Categories are an excellent method for sorting and grouping content on your Site in an intuitive, hierarchical way.
Categories can be useful in a number of situations:
segmenting blogs and services
displaying related services on a page due to those items being in the same category.
Categories are also used in eCommerce to form product catalogues and groups.
Building a menu of categories with items displayed underneath
Each Category can optionally have an automatic system detail Page enabled for it, which will be accessible at a URL which is based off the category's ancestor's in the hierarchy, followed by its own unique slug e.g. the following category structure:
Would have the following URL for the Hats detail page:
You can optionally apply a Category Detail Layout to all of these enabled detail Pages.
This Article shows how to filter WebApp and Module Items using their category_ids parameter.
In this set of Articles, we'll show you the Liquid syntax needed to get the most out of Categories on the Front End.
You can use Category IDs to filter WebApp, Module or eCommerce Product Items when including a List View in the Page.
You can filter by a single Category using category_ids:
You can filter by multiple Categories using comma-separated values in the category_ids parameter:
This parameter works whether you're filtering WebApps or Modules!
If you filter by a Category which contains sub-Categories, the results will include all Items belonging to the Sub-Categories.
E.g. If you have a Products Category containing Merchandise and Music, filtering by the ID of the Products Category will return all Items belonging to Products, Merchandise and Music.
If inside Siteglide Admin Code Editor, start at "layouts".
You can only have one Category Detail Layout active at a time. You can use logic and Content Sections to run different code depending on the Category.
This Article shows how you can use the category_array field to access the IDs of the Categories assigned to a WebApp or Module Item
In this set of Articles, we'll show you the Liquid syntax needed to get the most out of Categories on the Front End.
The following features are available in WebApp and Module Layouts only, as they require access to a particular Item's category_array
field. In Module Layouts, they'll only be available in the item.liquid
Using the category_array field to access the IDs of Categories that have been assigned to the current Item
Displaying all Categories that belong to the current Item
Displaying the first, last or nth Category which belongs to the current Item
Check if an Item has an Nth Category assigned to it
Each WebApp or Module Item has a Category Array field stored inside the this
object. For WebApps, you can access this in the Layout file. For Modules, you can access this in the item.liquid
file in the Layout folder: {{this.category_array}}
This will output the IDs of Categories which are assigned to the current Item in an array e.g. if the Item is assigned to Categories with ID 1 and 2 it will look like this:
To loop over all these Category IDs you can use a Liquid For Loop:
Once you have the Category ID, you can use the Categories data object to access any other Category fields, e.g. the name:
Instead of using a Loop, you can access a specific index of the category_array
field and use it to fetch a particular Category ID.
You can use the following to only output the name of the first category assigned to the Item:{{context.exports.categories.data[this.category_array.first].name}}
You can use the following to only output the name of the last category assigned to the Item:{{context.exports.categories.data[this.category_array.last].name}}
You can use the following to only output the name of a specifc category assigned to the Item, by its zeroed-index, where 0 is the first and 1 is the second:
If you want to make sure the category item in the array you are calling exists first, then you should do the following: First category in the array:
Second category in the array (and so on):
The following Liquid outputs a JSON object containing the details of all Categories:
This object stores every category in key-value pairs where the key is the ID of the Category and the value is an object containing all other available fields.
As the Categories data Object is a key map, you can access any specific category by accessing the object and then passing in the Category's ID in square brackets:
Once you've accessed the value of that Category via it's ID, you can access that Category's Fields using dot notation. For example, here we'll access its name:
Other available fields are:
- the ID of the Category
- the name of the Category
- the ID of the Parent Category if there is one
- the end of the URL for the Category Detail Page which is unique to this Item
- the meta-title of the Category
- the meta-description of the Category
- the open graph title of the Category
- the open graph description of the Category
- the open graph type of the Category
- the twitter type of the Category
- the full (relative) URL for the Category Detail Page
If you wish to display all the Categories on the Site, you can loop over them all. Inside the For Loop you can display any HTML or Category fields you like.
If you want to skip any Categories, you can use Liquid if statements and the continue
tag to do this:
See more here:
Default Fields
The following tags are available within the Category Detail Layout:
You can use any of the Liquid which you can use on Pages in the Category Detail Layout:
Category Detail Pages give you additional features including Breadcrumbs, Parent Category Lists, Child Category Lists and more.
Output breadcrumb of Categories to the current Category page using the defined layout:
Output parent Categories using the defined layout:
Output child Categories using the defined layout:
Output all items categorised to the current Category Page using the defined layout:
Note that this will only output items in this specific Category. To output all items that belong to sub-Categories, then add another parameter of show_all_sub_items: 'true'
You can use the Category ID {{this.id}}
to filter WebApp, Module or Product Lists and display the Items with this Category assigned (and those belonging to Categories which are children of this Category).
For example, the following code will output Products on the Category Detail Page, filtered by that Category:
Change the ID to fetch different WebApps.
Module 3 refers to the Blog; you can change the ID to fetch different Modules.
To access the category which belongs to the item currently being outputted in a WebApp layout or a Module layout's item.liquid layout, access the category_array field in:
See more:
There are plus () icons against each parent and child category so it's important to determine where you want to add a new category and click the plus on the correct parent:
Give it a name, it will create a slug/URL and you can also add an image if required:
The SEO Fields tab let's you add various data to help Search Engines index it correctly but also help Social Media sites display links correctly:
On an existing category you might see items that are already assigned to it, this is a helpful way to get directly to an item in a specific category:
You might want to assign a Detail Page Template and Detail Layout to Categories if users are able to navigate through the file structure (useful for eCommerce etc):
Siteglide-CLI tip: We strongly advise against editing the Category Detail Page itself on Siteglide CLI, as it could be changed at any time by the system. Stick to editing the Category Detail Layout!
We'll include some examples here of how the {{this.id}}
variable can be used specifically on the Category Detail Page to filter by that Detail Page's Category dynamically:
Field Name | Liquid Tag | Description |
Category Name |
| Name of the category |
Category URL |
| URL of the category |
Category ID |
| ID of the cateogory |