Subscription Orders in Siteglide represent an individual User's Subscription to a specific Product. Their status is explained here.
You can use it to track which Subscription Orders need action from the User and which are Active and generating income.
Available statuses in Siteglide are:
Incomplete - It was not possible to pay the first invoice on a new Subscription. Access to Secure Zones will not be granted.
Active - A Subscription is active and Stripe was able to successful pay the latest invoice. Access to Secure Zones will be granted.
Past Due - It was not possible to pay the most recent invoice on a new Subscription. As a Subscription Order enters this status, Siteglide will send a System Email notification to the User telling them what they can do to return the Subscription Order to Active. We won't remove access to Secure Zones at this stage. Access to Secure Zones will not be removed yet, but it will be if the status changes to Cancelled
or Unpaid
Unpaid - Stripe has decided not to continue attempts to pay the latest invoice. Your Stripe Dashboard settings allowed this Subscription Order to remain in the database in case a renewal is still possible. Access to Secure Zones will be removed.
The following statuses will cause the Subscription Order to be deleted on Siteglide and the Subscription to be deleted on Stripe, so will never be seen here. Read more about Subscription Statuses and what you can do to control what Stripe does with persistently unpaid Subscriptions here.
Incomplete Expired - Stripe has decided not to continue attempts to pay the first invoice. We deleted the Subscription Order from the Database to save space. Other options may be available in future. Access to Secure Zones will be removed.
Cancelled - Stripe has decided not to continue attempts to pay the latest invoice. Your Stripe Dashboard settings caused this Subscription Order to be deleted from the database to save space. Access to Secure Zones will be removed.
The Subscriptions feature is currently only supported if you have a Stripe Payment Gateway, and you will need to define which Payment Gateway set up to use for your Subscriptions. If you have not yet set up a Stripe Account and associated Payment Gateway on Siteglide, you can learn how here: Payment Gateways
This Article will show all the additional steps you will need to take to set up the Stripe Payment Gateway in order to use our Subscriptions feature.
Although you'll want to keep your Payment Gateway in Test Mode for now, you'll need to add the Live keys from your stripe account to your Siteglide account.
The reason for this, is that we'll be able to set products and plans up early so that when the time comes we'll be able to smoothly transition your Subscription Products from Test Mode to Live Mode.
The first step in doing this is to Activate your Stripe Account. https://stripe.com/docs/account This means completing a lengthy Form with information about the business that will own the account.
If you're just trying out Subscriptions, you may want to add the details of your Agency to the Stripe Account, but not put it live. If you're building a Site for a Client, it would be easiest to set up the Stripe Account for them- or to ask them to complete the Activation Form.
In your Stripe dashboard you'll be able to find these keys under the Developers > API keys option in the left-hand menu, once you have toggled "View test data" off:
You'll need to add these keys to your Stripe Payment Gateway in the Siteglide Admin:
Our integration uses webhooks to get updates from Stripe on the status of your customers' subscriptions.
You'll need to set these up on the Stripe Dashboard with the "Viewing test data" toggle on. You will also need to set them up in Live mode- and you may decide to do this now so that you're ready.
Find Webhooks in the Stripe Dashboard menu under Developers > Webhooks:
Next, use the "add endpoint" button in the "Endpoints receiving events from your account" section.
After that, fill in the Endpoint URL and Events to send fields in the modal.
Whether setting up the test mode or the live webhook endpoint, you can start the URL with the Development domain for your Site, as I have in the example screenshot. If you're setting up the Live Endpoint, you could optionally use a custom domain. Add to this the following relative path: /api/stripe/subscription_updated For Events to send, you'll need to select both the customer.subscription.deleted and the customer.subscription.updated events. The same endpoint will handle both types of events.
Click the "Add endpoint" button to finish. Don't forget to set up the same webhook endpoint for Live mode as well, whether you want to do this now, or before you go live.
This secret string is used by Siteglide to validate whether the incoming webhook calls are genuinely from Stripe.
You can find your Signing Secret on the Stripe Dashboard under Developers > Webhooks. If you've already set up your Live webhook, there will also be a Live Signing Secret and this should also be added to Siteglide.
It should be added to your Payment Gateway on Siteglide.
Next we'll show you the Subscription related options under eCommerce Settings.
You can find the Subscriptions Settings under ECOMMERCE > Settings in the Menu and then navigate to the Subscriptions tab.
Currently, all Subscription Sign Up Forms must be outputted on a Subscription Detail page. You can use this opportunity to set the following:
Subscription Slug - this sets the root of the URL for the Detail Page where customers will be able to Sign Up for this Subscription. The slug of each Subscription item will be appended on the end of the final URLs.
Subscription Detail Page Template - This sets which Page Template will be used by the Detail Page
Subscription Detail Layout - This sets which detail Layout folder will be used by the detail Page. You can use default until you decide to customise your own. These layouts can be found under SITE MANAGER > Code Editor under the path layouts/modules/module_14/subscriptions/
Stripe allows you a wide range of configuration options and settings you can use to enhance your experience. We'll aim to expand our integration to cover more of these options over time.
For now, we'll draw your attention to the key options which will have an impact on Siteglide.
Stripe Settings which will affect the Siteglide Integration In your Stripe Dashboard, navigate to Settings > Subscriptions and emails
In the "Manage Failed Payments" Section, you can set:
Changing Subscription Status in any Section
Where Stripe allows you to set Subscription status in any section, you are free to decide the behaviour your Client needs. Siteglide's endpoint is watching for status changes in your Subscriptions and will update the Subscription Orders on Siteglide as appropriate.
In the "Manage payments that require 3D Secure" Section, Siteglide does support 3D Secure payments for Subscriptions, so you use any of the settings within.
Siteglide currently sends transactional emails to customers only when their payment fails and an action is required, for example if 3D Secure authorisation is needed. We allow you to fully customise this System Email in Siteglide with dynamic content.
If you'd like to turn on any of Stripe's emails when any other event happens, these will not be connected with Siteglide and you'll need to read Stripe's documentation in order to style these.
That's it! Your Stripe Account and your Siteglide Site are now ready to begin the integration.
Your Webhook Endpoint will send emails to customers whose Subscriptions experience payment failures or require further Strong Customer Authentication. Before going live, make sure to take a look at the System Page and System Email that will be displayed to these customers. You can learn more about these here.
We suggest that before going live with a Site that uses Subscriptions, you may wish to have a quick read of this doc again, to make sure that you've covered all the settings your Client needs.
For now, you'll probably want to get started creating Subscription Products.
Our integration with Stripe Billing allows you to create Subscription Products and bill customers on a regular basis.
This section gives you a detailed understanding of the different tool options and functionality.
This Article shows you how to use the Secure Zones Layout user_subscriptions to List Subscription Orders belonging to a User.
This article shows you how to use the Secure Zones Layout user_subscriptions to List Subscription Orders belonging to a User. As this is a Secure user-specific List, the Layout is found in the Secure Zones Module.
This is slightly different from a Subscriptions List view, as this lists all available Subscription products- you can learn more here.
The following Liquid can be outputted on any Page protected by a Secure Zone:
- Select a Layout for this view.
You can find these Layouts at the path: layouts/modules/module_5/user_subscriptions/
To loop over available Subscription Orders, you can use the following Liquid:
Inside the loop, you can use the available fields shown below under the this
namespace. Outside of the loop Liquid, you can build the HTML structure which will wrap your Layout.
You can use the following Liquid to include a button to either cancel a Subscription or stop a pending cancellation. Read more here.
Subscription Order
- Output all available fields as JSON
- Outputs the time when this Subscription Order was originally created. Use the date filter with Ruby date format to format.
- outputs the last time this Subscription Order was updated either via the Admin, user-action, or via Stripe Webhook. Use the date filter with Ruby date format to format.
- The ID of the customer in Siteglide.
- The ID of the Subscription Order in Siteglide.
- The previous status of the Subscription Order before the update that triggered this Email.
- Either 'true', false, or empty. If set to 'true' the Subscription will be cancelled at the end of the current billing period.
- The ID of the Subscription in the Stripe Dashboard.
- The Stripe ID for the Plan this Subscription Order is using. This may be an older plan than the current plan used by the Subscription product.
- A snapshot of the Price of this Subscription Order's plan. This may be an older plan than the current plan used by the Subscription product
- A snapshot of the Display Only Price of this Subscription Order's plan. This may be an older plan than the current plan used by the Subscription product.
- A snapshot of the Price of this Subscription Order's plan. This may be an older plan than the current plan used by the Subscription product. Formatted as a decimal (e.g. 1.00).
- A snapshot of the Display Only Price of this Subscription Order's plan. This may be an older plan than the current plan used by the Subscription product. Formatted as a decimal. (e.g. 1.00)
- A snapshot of the Interval of this Subscription Order's plan. This may be an older plan than the current plan used by the Subscription product.
- A snapshot of the Interval Count of this Subscription Order's plan. This may be an older plan than the current plan used by the Subscription product.
- Output all available fields as JSON
- The name of the Subscription Product
{{this.subscription['Interval Count']}}
{{this.subscription['Product Code (SKU)']}}
{{this.subscription['Stripe Product ID (Live)']}}
- The ID of the product in Stripe Live Mode
{{this.subscription['Stripe Product ID (Test)']}}
- The ID of the product in Stripe Test Mode
The price of the Subscription Product per billing period:
- the currency
- the currency symbol
- the price charged per Interval as an integer.
- the price charged per Interval as a decimal currency format.
- a display-only price per interval as an integer e.g. recommended retail price
- a display-only price per interval as a decimal currency format e.g. recommended retail price.
Tip: Changes in the Pricing Plan It's possible to change the price and billing interval of a Subscription. This change will only affect new subscribers and existing customers will continue on the plan they signed up for originally. You can read more about this here: eCommerce Subscriptions - Changing the Price and Billing Interval
When outputting fields in the user_subscriptions
view, Subscription Order fields beginning with the word "Plan" will normally be the appropriate choice. These will show the price that these Users will be paying- the original plan when they signed up.
The other Price and Interval fields stored against the Subscription, could be used to show how much the User is saving on their current plan compared to the current price. In the different context of the Subscription Detail Page- we give a different recommendation as here it may not always be possible to identify immediately if the User is subscribed to a different plan.
Tip: Working with the Interval Fields As you can see below, there are multiple fields involved in storing the Interval of charges, which you can use to display the Interval in a user-friendly way. Here's one example of using Liquid to programmatically decide the format to display the Interval:
If the Interval Count is 1, it will use formatting like "per day".
If the Interval Count is greater than 1, it will use formatting like "every 2 days".
Check out all the available Liquid filters over on the platformOS Liquid docs.
Most database items in the Siteglide database can be safely edited without affecting existing customers. For example, you can change the price of a physical product and everyone would expect to pay the new price for the product in future.
For Subscriptions, we've set it up so that Price changes on a Subscription will not affect existing subscribers. Instead only new subscribers will have to pay the new price.
Currently, we don't support allowing customers to choose their Plan when signing up to a Subscription. Instead, only the most recently created Plan will be available for new customers. We may add this functionality in the future, but for now, we suggest creating separate Subscription items with different periods and chargeable prices if you want to give customers different payment options for the same services.
Subscription (on Siteglide) - equivalent to a Product on the Stripe Dashboard - This is a Subscription Product which can be connected to a Plan. Plan (on Siteglide) - equivalent to a Plan on the Stripe Dashboard. This defines the price charged and the interval between charges.
Subscription Order (on Siteglide) - equivalent to a Subscription on the Stripe Dashboard - This is a record of the order a customer has made to subscribe to a Subscription. It holds a record of the Plan and Pricing that the customer originally signed up for. It also has a status, which keeps track of whether this Subscription Order is "Active". Creating a New Plan Changing the Price of a Subscription will Create a new Plan There are three main variables that will affect the amount users will pay for a Subscription:
Chargeable Price
Interval Count Changing the "chargeable price" will create a new Subscription Plan on Stripe and make this the default Plan for new customers.
Changing the Interval or Interval Count will not trigger an API call to Stripe to create a new Plan on its own.
If you want the new Plan to have a new Interval you should follow the following steps:
Change the Interval and/or Interval Count on Siteglide
Save the Chargeable Price in the prices tab on Siteglide. This will create a new Plan which will include the new values for Interval and Interval Count. (Changing the price before saving is optional- all that's needed to create the new Plan is to "save" the prices tab- you can leave it the same if you wish).
Existing customers will not be affected by the new Plan. Their Subscription Order will be connected to the original Plan they signed up to.
New customers will not be shown information about the old Plan. They will sign up to the newest Plan only.
Each Site owning organisation (Agency or Client) will need their own activated Stripe account
Your eCommerce Module should be at least version 1.0.0
Your Secure Zones Module should be at least version 0.10.0
If you were using the Beta version of eCommerce Subscriptions (versions 0.14.1 and lower) and you have not yet upgraded your eCommerce Module, your Sites will continue to work as normal.
However, after upgrading to the eCommerce Module 1.0.0, Stripe webhooks must be set up. You can follow steps 3 + 4 here to do this.
Our integration with Stripe Billing allows you to create Subscription Products and bill customers on a regular basis.
In this overview Article, we'll list the available features and link you to more documentation and articles.
Our integration with Stripe Billing allows you to:
Create Subscription Products and assign a single recurring price to each
Display a List View of available Subscription Products
Display a Detail Page of Details on a particular Subscription Product, which can also include a Form which allows customers to Sign Up to the Subscription.
Store customers' card details securely on Stripe. As with the rest of our Payment Gateway integration with Stripe, we use Stripe Elements so that card details never touch our servers.
Allow Stripe to make automated attempts to charge customers on a recurring basis
Handle 3D Secure Authorisation requests from the customer's bank (meeting Strong Customer Authentication regulations) in two ways: either directly on the payment form itself, or if this is required on a recurring payment, the customer will receive an email sending them back to site where they can re-authorise the payment.
Handle payment failures of all kinds on initial or recurring payments. On recurring payments the customer will receive an email sending them back to the site where they can enter and verify a new payment method.
When payments are not made, Stripe will make automated attempts to retry. Once it has exhausted these attempts, you can decide what it does next using your Stripe dashboard settings.
The Subscriptions feature now requires that you also install the Secure Zones Module.
A Subscriptions customer must be logged into at least one Secure Zone (for example this could be called "My Account") so that we are able to identify them when they wish to manage their Subscriptions.
Along with the Secure Zones module, you can also:
Sign a User up to one or more Secure Zones when they sign up to a Subscription. These could for example, allow access to the content or services that the User has signed up for.
If the Subscription is marked as "past_due", the Secure Zones will not immediately be removed- this is to give the customer time to update their payment details. If no payment is made, Stripe will change the status again.
Remove the User from one or more Secure Zones when Stripe marks the Subscription Status as "incomplete_expired", "unpaid" or "cancelled"
Return Users to Secure Zones when a new payment method is added and a Subscription is renewed.
When adding eCommerce functionality to their Site, your Client will want to be confident that they are as compliant as possible. Here, we'll share tips from Stripe about how to be transparent with customers about how you and Stripe will use their payment methods.
The following Articles from Stripe are well worth a read if you are adding Subscriptions functionality to your Site. You may wish to use the advice within to help you word a consent Checkbox to your Subscription Sign Up Form for example.
This view allows you to display available Subscription products for customers to browse through.
The Subscriptions List View displays a list of Subscription products. Like other List Views, it can be sorted and filtered via Liquid.
This is slightly different from the user_subscriptions
List view in the Secure Zones Module. This can be used to display a List of Subscription Orders belonging to a User. Learn more here.
You can use the type parameter to output a List Layout in most Liquid files:
Subscription Layouts can be found at the path: layouts/modules/module_14/subscription
Within this folder, you can create a folder for each Layout. Each Layout folder can contain a further "list" folder containing the wrapper
and item
files it needs.
The wrapper.liquid
file should be used to add any HTML structure you may require around your main list.
You must include the following Liquid, which will in turn loop over the Items and output the item.liquid
file for each Subscription Item. Most fields are specific to the Item and will only be available inside the item.liquid
Subscription Fields
- Output all fields as JSON
{{this['Interval Count']}}
- URL for the Product Detail Page
{{this['Secure Zones']}}
- Array containing the IDs of Secure Zones associated with this Subscription.
- The chargeable price of this Subscription each Interval. Integer format.
- A field for displaying a secondary price of your choice, e.g. recommended retail price. This is not used by the integration. Integer format.
- The chargeable price of this Subscription each Interval. Currency format
- A field for displaying a secondary price of your choice, e.g. recommended retail price. This is not used by the integration. Currency format.
*Subscription Order Fields *You'll see when developing a Subscription Detail Page that when the User is logged in, it is also possible to access fields relating to a subscription_order the User has made for that Subscription product already.
This is not currently available on the List view- as the List view is designed as a way to browse Subscription products. To allow the user to view and manage their Subscription Orders, we recommend the User Subscriptions view.
The customer can schedule their Subscription to end, while continuing to use services until the end date.
Ending a Subscription is not as simple as deleting most database objects. The customer may wish to arrange for their Subscription to end, but they may wish to continue using the services they've paid for until the end of the billing period!
When a User "cancels" a Subscription front-end, we send an API call to Stripe, instructing them to mark the Subscription to be cancelled at the end of the current billing period.
Subscription Orders marked for cancellation will have the field "cancel_at_period_end" ("module_field_14/subscription_order_9") marked as "true". This corresponds to the equivalent property on Stripe.
The following Liquid can be added within a user_subscriptions
List Layout:
You may wish to use logic to only show the button when it can be used.
Until that time, we'll allow Users to change their mind and choose not to cancel the Subscription after all. This removes the property from the Stripe subscription cancel_at_period_end
and the Subscription will remain in its current state: {%- include 'ecommerce/subscription_reactivate_cancelled', orderID: this.id -%}
You may wish to use logic to only show the button when it can be used.
Both buttons could be combined in the logic as follows:
The option to cancel a Subscription item immediately is available on the Stripe Dashboard.
When the actual change of status to canceled
takes place on Stripe, either because of an action on the Dashboard, or because Siteglide queued it to happen at the end of the billing period, Stripe will send a customer.subscription.deleted
event to Siteglide. We'll then also remove the database object from your Site, and stop provisioning the Secure Zone Access.
The Detail Layout for Subscriptions displays details of the Subscription Product and also a Form for creating/editing Subscription Orders
A Subscription Detail Layout allows you to display detailed content about an individual Subscription product to a customer. It also is an important part of outputting a Subscription Sign Up Form, as these must be outputted within the Layout of the Subscription they will subscribe Users to.
The most common place where Detail Views are displayed is on the automatically generated Detail Page, if you have enabled these. However, they can also be outputted within most Liquid files, including ordinary Pages.
Heading to ECOMMERCE > Settings will allow you to select the Subscriptions tab.
Here you can set up Detail Pages by:
Choosing the slug which will begin the URL to Subscription Detail Pages
Choose a Page Template to use on Subscription Detail Pages
Choose a Detail Layout to use on Subscription Detail Pages
You can use the type
parameter to output a Detail Layout in most Liquid files:
- give the value
- give the name of a Detail Layout for Subscriptions
- this parameter is usually optional, but it's essential when you are outputting a Detail View as only one Item ID must be displayed.
Bear in mind that Forms will not work properly inside Emails, so if displaying a Detail Page inside an Email, it is best to provide an alternative Detail Page without the Sign Up Form.
To output the Layout here, you need to add a Detail Layout name to the Liquid as a parameter. Read more here.
Subscription Layouts can be found at the path: layouts/modules/module_14/subscription
Within this folder, you can create a folder for each Layout. Each Layout folder can contain a further "detail" folder containing the wrapper
and item
files it needs.
We provide an example of some logic you can use to explain to logged in Users what the Form will do:
In the case where the User is not currently logged in and is not responding to an email, the logic won't be able to determine the exact status straight away.
Instead, if a non-logged in User tries to Sign up for a Subscription, Siteglide will first log them in and check if they have an active Subscription already. If they do, we'll throw an error, but allow the User to try again if they wish to update their payment details.
Adding a Form to the Detail Layout allows users to Sign Up to this Subscription product. You can read more about creating this Form here.
If you've already created your Form, you can skip this step.
Once you've created a Form and made a note of its ID, you'll be able to add it to your Detail Layout.
This is just a suggestion, you can actually include your Form anywhere you like in the Layout. Use the following Liquid:
- the ID of your Subscription Sign Up Form, you can check this in CMS > Forms. Remember you can use the same Form Layout for all Subscriptions. The this.id field controls which Subscription product is associated with the Form.
- Choose a Form Layout
The wrapper.liquid
file could be used to add any HTML structure you may require around your layout.
You must include the following Liquid, which will output the item.liquid
file for the Subscription Item. Most fields are specific to the Item and will only be available inside the item.liquid
On the Subscription Detail View, we provide you with fields relating to the Subscription and also the Subscription Order for a logged in User.
Subscription Fields
- Output all fields as JSON
{{this['Interval Count']}}
- URL for the Product Detail Page
{{this['Secure Zones']}}
- Array containing the IDs of Secure Zones associated with this Subscription.
- The chargeable price of this Subscription each Interval. Integer format.
- A field for displaying a secondary price of your choice, e.g. recommended retail price. This is not used by the integration. Integer format
- The chargeable price of this Subscription each Interval. Currency format
- A field for displaying a secondary price of your choice, e.g. recommended retail price. This is not used by the integration. Currency format.
*Subscription Order Fields *If a User is logged in, Siteglide will establish if they have an existing Subscription Order for this Product. Using any of these fields should be done cautiously, as they will not be available if the User is logged out, or if they don't have an existing Subscription.
To determine this, you can use Liquid Logic to hide an entire block of code in which you use these fields:
- Output all Subscription Order fields as JSON
- Array containing all Subscription IDs connected with one of the current User's Subscription Orders, where those orders have status Active
- These relate to the Subscription Status in Stripe and are the best way to understand the status of the Subscription Order at a glance. More information available below.
{{subscription_order['Stripe Subscription ID']}}
- This refers to a Subscription on Stripe and can be searched by the Client on the Stripe Dashboard to find out detailed information about this Subscription Order and the associated customer, invoices, payment_intents and charges.
{{subscription_order['Cancel At Period End']}}
- "true" or "false"- if true, this Subscription has been set by the User to be automatically Cancelled at the end of the current billing period. The User has a chance to change their minds until this date.
{{subscription_order['Stripe Plan ID']}}
- The Stripe ID for the Plan this Subscription Order is using. This may be an older plan than the current plan used by the Subscription product.
{{subscription_order['Plan Chargeable Price']}}
- A snapshot of the Price of this Subscription Order's plan. This may be an older plan than the current plan used by the Subscription product.
{{subscription_order['Plan Display Only Price']}}
- A snapshot of the Display Only Price of this Subscription Order's plan. This may be an older plan than the current plan used by the Subscription product.
{{subscription_order['Plan Chargeable Price Formatted']}}
- A snapshot of the Price of this Subscription Order's plan. This may be an older plan than the current plan used by the Subscription product. Formatted as a decimal (e.g. 1.00).
{{subscription_order['Plan Display Only Price Formatted']}}
- A snapshot of the Display Only Price of this Subscription Order's plan. This may be an older plan than the current plan used by the Subscription product. Formatted as a decimal. (e.g. 1.00)
{{subscription_order['Plan Interval']}}
- A snapshot of the Interval of this Subscription Order's plan. This may be an older plan than the current plan used by the Subscription product.
{{subscription_order['Plan Interval Count']}}
- A snapshot of the Interval Count of this Subscription Order's plan. This may be an older plan than the current plan used by the Subscription product.
*Tip: Changes in the Pricing Plan *It's possible to change the price and billing interval of a Subscription. This change will only affect new subscribers and existing customers will continue on the plan they signed up for originally. You can read more about this here: eCommerce Subscriptions - Changing the Price and Billing Interval
When outputting fields, be aware that the Price might have changed globally for a Subscription, while a User may already have an existing Subscription with a different price. When changing their payment Details on the Subscription Detail View, these Users may be reassured to see the price displayed they are paying currently.
For these Users (if they are logged in) there will be two sets of fields available. For example:
- Shows the current price of the Subscription if a new User were to sign up now.
{{subscription_order['Plan Chargeable Price']}}
- This field, if it is available, shows the price of the older plan that this customer is currently paying. See Subscription Orders in the next section for more of these fields.
You can use logic to display a different price to Users in this situation.
Or alternatively, you can use the default filter:
Tip: Working with the interval As you can see above, there are multiple fields involved in storing the interval of charges, which you can use to display the interval in a user-friendly way. Here's one example of using Liquid to programmatically decide the format to display the Interval:
If the Interval Count is 1, it will use formatting like "per day".
If the Interval Count is greater than 1, it will use formatting like "every 2 days".
Check out all the available Liquid filters over on the platformOS Liquid docs.
Customise the Email and Landing Page used to take updated payment methods and authorisation from Subscription customers.
When a Stripe subscription changes status, a customer may need to update their payment details or carry out 3D Secure authorisation.
The email and landing page used in this flow can be customised and branded.
You can find the System Email under Site Manager > System Emails with the name Subscription User Action Required
The purpose of this Email is to inform the User that the Subscription Order needs action from them before it can continue to be processed.
You must add a link to the Landing Page where your customer can take action. You can use the Liquid below:
- sets the text displayed on the button
- optional - allows you to set the ID of the button
- optional - allows you to set the class of the button
Subscription Order Fields
- Output all available fields as JSON (except the new_subscription_status - see below).
{{data.subscription_order['User ID']}}
- The ID of the customer in Siteglide.
{{data.subscription_order['Subscription ID']}}
- The ID of the Subscription Order in Siteglide.
- The previous status of the Subscription Order before the update that triggered this Email
- the new status of the Subscription Order. This is the Event which will have triggered the Email.
{{data.subscription_order['Stripe Subscription ID']}}
- The ID of the Subscription in the Stripe Dashboard.
{{data.subscription_order['Cancel At Period End']}}
- "true" or "false"- if true, this Subscription has been set by the User to be automatically Cancelled at the end of the current billing period. The User has a chance to change their minds until this date.
{{data.subscription_order['Stripe Plan ID']}}
- The Stripe ID for the Plan this Subscription Order is using. This may be an older plan than the current plan used by the Subscription product.
{{data.subscription_order['Plan Chargeable Price']}}
- A snapshot of the Price of this Subscription Order's plan. This may be an older plan than the current plan used by the Subscription product.
{{data.subscription_order['Plan Display Only Price']}}
- A snapshot of the Display Only Price of this Subscription Order's plan. This may be an older plan than the current plan used by the Subscription product.
{{data.subscription_order['Plan Chargeable Price Formatted']}}
- A snapshot of the Price of this Subscription Order's plan. This may be an older plan than the current plan used by the Subscription product. Formatted as a decimal (e.g. 1.00).
{{data.subscription_order['Plan Display Only Price Formatted']}}
- A snapshot of the Display Only Price of this Subscription Order's plan. This may be an older plan than the current plan used by the Subscription product. Formatted as a decimal. (e.g. 1.00
{{data.subscription_order['Plan Interval']}}
- A snapshot of the Interval of this Subscription Order's plan. This may be an older plan than the current plan used by the Subscription product.
{{data.subscription_order['Plan Interval Count']}}
- A snapshot of the Interval Count of this Subscription Order's plan. This may be an older plan than the current plan used by the Subscription product.
Subscription Fields
- Output all available fields as JSON
- The name of the Subscription Product
{{data.subscription_order.subscription['Interval Count']}}
{{data.subscription_order.subscription['Stripe Product ID (Live)']}}
- The ID of the product in Stripe Live Mode
{{data.subscription_order.subscription['Stripe Product ID (Test)']}}
- The ID of the product in Stripe Test Mode
Customer Fields
- Output all available fields as JSON
- The ID of the User in Siteglide
*Tip: Changes in the Pricing Plan *It's possible to change the price and billing interval of a Subscription. This change will only affect new subscribers and existing customers will continue on the plan they signed up for originally. You can read more about this here: eCommerce Subscriptions - Changing the Price and Billing Interval
When outputting fields in the email, Subscription Order fields beginning with the word "Plan" will normally be the appropriate choice. These will show the price that these Users will be paying- the original plan when they signed up.
The other Price and Interval fields stored against the Subscription, could be used to show how much the User is saving on their current plan compared to the current price. In the different context of the Subscription Detail Page- we give a different recommendation as here it may not always be possible to identify immediately if the User is subscribed to a different plan.
Tip: Working with the Interval Fields As you can see below, there are multiple fields involved in storing the Interval of charges, which you can use to display the Interval in a user-friendly way. Here's one example of using Liquid to programmatically decide the format to display the Interval:
If the Interval Count is 1, it will use formatting like "per day".
If the Interval Count is greater than 1, it will use formatting like "every 2 days".
Check out all the available Liquid filters over on the platformOS Liquid docs.
You can find the System Page under Site Manager > System Emails
with the name Subscription User Action Required
The purpose of this Page is to provide a reliable URL where the above email can send Users to update their Payment Method. We'll provide the URL parameters to let the Page know which Subscription and Subscription Order to load. We'll also provide security to check that the User owns that Subscription Order before continuing.
This page may function very similarly to the standard Subscription Detail Page, however, you do have the option to use a different Layout or logic if you prefer.
The following Liquid will include a Subscription Detail Layout for the Subscription referenced in the link from the above Email. Note, this is different from the usual Liquid for including a Layout, because Siteglide will in this case be setting some of the parameters for you automatically.
- This allows you to choose which Detail Layout will be used for the Subscription Detail View. You can choose a different Layout than you use on your Subscription Detail Page.
If that Detail Layout contains a Form, we'll use the URL parameters to set the Form to edit the payment details for the correct Subscription Order referenced in the link from the Email.
You can add any other static content you like to this Page, but we recommend you use the Subscription Detail Layout itself to add any dynamic content and you can see available fields there.
Before you add Subscription Products, make sure you follow the steps in this article to set up the integration between your Stripe account and your Siteglide Site.
You will need to have installed the Secure Zones Module on your Site, as this is required by Subscriptions.
Now you've set up your Payment Gateway, this article will explain how you can add Subscription products using the Siteglide Admin.
We'll also explain how you can set prices for these products and define which Secure Zones a customer will gain access to while they have an active Subscription to each Product.
We'll be adding additional features in later releases which will expand your options in future.
You can view a list of existing Subscription products and add new ones under ECOMMERCE > Subscriptions
Add all the information you need to about the Subscription product, add SEO metadata and assign to Categories if you wish.
Here you need to define the length of time each billing cycle will last.
You need to choose:
An interval unit from the available options
An integer for the number of days / weeks / months
In future we plan to add additional options here. However, if you need to have alternate payment plans for the same Product now, we recommend you create multiple Subscription items each with the same details, but with different intervals and prices.
Saving at this point will send an API Call to Stripe to create the product in Test and Live mode. Once created, it will be possible to add additional options and further tabs will appear.
Pricing works in a similar way to other eCommerce Products.
You currently must choose the same currency as your Site currency.
The chargeable price is the price your customers will pay each interval.
The display-only price is available if you need to display the price without sales tax, a recommended retail price- etc.
If you would like to use your Site to deliver content or services to customers who sign up to a Subscription, you can do this with Secure Zones.
In the Secure Zones tab, select the Secure Zones that you'd like to assign to customers while they have an active Subscription.
The same list of Secure Zones will also be taken away from the User when their Subscription is cancelled, so we recommend that you don't include a generic "Account" Secure Zone here, or your Users may also lose this when their subscription ends.
If you would like to learn more about creating and using Secure Zones, see here.
You'll notice Stripe gives you the option to add additional Products in the Stripe Dashboard. We'd recommend for now that you create Subscription Products within the Siteglide Admin- as this will mean we only provide options to add features that are fully supported by the integration.
In this article, we'll look at how you can set up a Form which will:
Allow Users to Sign Up for a Subscription
Allow Users to change the payment method Stripe will be charging for an existing Active Subscription, or a Subscription which is "past_due" and requires a change in payment method.
Allow users to authorise an existing payment method using 3D secure.
Re-activate a Subscription that is no longer Active- this may include any Subscription with either the "incomplete" or "unpaid" status.
In a standard Subscriptions flow, all these use-cases are handled by a single Form so that we can identify the User, their current Subscriptions and work out the most appropriate course of action.
You'll also be able to use the same form for any Subscription Product. You can set which Subscription Product the Form will sign users up to, by outputting the Form on that Subscription's Detail Page.
Firstly, navigate to CMS > Forms and select the "Add New Form" button:
Add details to the Form as you normally would. (To recap standard Form creation in Siteglide - see here.)
When setting the name, remember this can be a Form for all Subscriptions, so you don't need to name it after a product.
Next, in the payments tab, toggle Payments on and select Subscription from the Payment form type options.
It's important that all Users who sign up to Subscriptions have an account with an email and password on Siteglide. This will allow them to manage their Subscriptions.
Learn more about creating Secure Zones
The easiest way to do this is to set a Secure Zone to this Subscription Form to serve as the User's account - it will make sure that User's are given the chance to sign up for an account - or log in - at the same time as they sign up for the Subscription and enter payment details.
You can do this by adding any Secure Zone to the Form in the Secure Zones tab:
If you already have a Secure Zone which serves this purpose on your Site, you can of course use it here. We'd recommend not using a Secure Zone directly associated with a Subscription, as this could be removed from a User if they cancel their Subscription.
In order to use the Form, it must be outputted inside a Subscription Detail Layout. This defines which Subscription the Form will sign customers up for.
There are two main places where this will need to be as a minimum:
The Page where you want Users to sign up to the Subscription. Most commonly this will be the Subscription's Detail Page.
The System Page where Users will be sent via email if a payment method needs updating or authorising. We'll include the Detail View for the correct Subscription automatically, but you may select the Detail Layout used.
You can include the Form by adding the standard Liquid for including a Form:
{% include 'form', id: '10', layout: 'default' %}
You'll need to use the ID of your Subscription Form which you'll be able to find in the Admin.
We'll output a Detail View on the System Page for you, you'll just need to select a Subscription Detail Layout of your choice where Form has already been included as above.
We'll explain in more detail here: Editing the "Subscription User Action Required" System Page and Email