Manage and edit custom fields that have been added to your Products.
Whilst editing the Products Module Structure, you can add custom fields to add to items.
You can use a variety of field types when creating custom fields, such as:
Text (String) - Single line text field, used for short text inputs.
Text (Multiline) - Multiline text field, used for longer text inputs.
Checkbox - Comma seperated e.g. Checkbox 1, Checkbox 2
Radio Button - Comma seperated e.g. Radio 1, Radio 2
Dropdown (Single Item) - Comma seperated e.g. Option 1, Option 2
Dropdown (Multi Item) - Comma seperated e.g. Option 1, Option 2
Datasource (Single Item) - Access data of an item from a selected WebApp or - Module. Output within Detail, List or Form layouts.
Datasource (Multi Item) - Access data of multiple items from a selected WebApp - or Module. Output within Detail, List or Form layouts.
Image (Single) - Choose an image from File Manager
Image (Array) - Choose multiple images from File Manager
File - Media upload field
Folder - Choose a folder from File Manager
Date - Select a date
Number (Integer) - Choose between a minimum and maximum integer for each item
Number (Float) - Choose between a minimum and maximum float for each item
Boolean - Toggle 'Yes' and 'No'
Custom Array - Comma seperated e.g. Option 1, Option 2
Whilst editing a Product, head to the "Custom Fields" tab.
Here, you can edit the custom fields added to the Module, for each item.
For example, here, there is a custom field added called "test" with the type of File. An image, video, or file can be added here to this item.