This example is useful if you want to use Siteglide filters on a WebApp or Module, but don't want to give your end-user the option of altering the filters by modifying the URL.
In this example, we set the filter as if we have a WebApp 1 with a custom field which can be filtered. We imagine there is a variable {{any_variable}}
which might come from a datasource in a parent layout, or be hardcoded. These variables of webapp, field and filter value you can change depending on your use-case.
Drawing your attention to the important bit: items are not displayed until the correct parameters are present in the URL. Users can't simply change the URL and access different content in this case!
In this example, it's useful to have a reliable ID for the layout, no-matter how many are outputted on the page. We generate a unique ID if the layout is rendered front-end, but on the live-update re-render, we use the already generated ID that was sent in the params.
SiteBuilder includes JavaScript files to add in interactive functionality which may not exist in the original design system or library.
We always load our module JavaScript asynchronously. This means it should not block page render and features will be initiated only when the JavaScript is ready. For example, if there is a button for sharing via Facebook, the button element will load straight away, but clicking it in the first second after page load will do nothing, but a seoncd or two later the functionality will be added.
Even with asynchronous loading, you don't want to load a script if it's not being used. Depending on the library, we'll load some scripts in the Page Template if they are used commonly across the library, whereas more specialised scripts will be included within layouts. Some scripts will not be included at all by default itf they're not generally needed. Feel free to add and remove scripts from your templates and pages if you're happy with the resulting functionality changes.
To start with, most of our JavaScript functions are initiated with data-attributes on particular elements which need functionality added.
As the module grows, we will start to make constructors more easily available so that functions can also be initiated with a new keyword and an options parameter.
See the specific documentation to learn more.
If you want to extend our JavaScript, we recommend waiting for the DOM to finish loading and the required scripts to finish loading first. Normally our scripts have an ID which can be targeted and given a "load" eventListener.
We recommend not using html event attributes to run our JavaScript e.g. onClick=""
as these will probably attempt to find functions before they are defined.
Take your SiteBuilder development further with advanced features such as Live Updates API, JS and Liquid Functions:
The quickest way to get started with the SiteBuilder Live Updates API is to install a SiteBuilder layout which already uses it. Look out for the teal 'Live-updates ready' tag on the layouts, install and modify at will.
Firstly, make sure the SiteBuilder Module is installed on your site. Then, include the JavaScript via CDN in the Page. We recommend you use the Liquid in the example below; it helps to ensure that the JavaScript is only loaded once, even if used by multiple layouts, maintaining good performance.
Secondly, choose which section of code you'd like the API to be ready to live-update.
This must be some Liquid code which can be rendered using a single Liquid {% include %}
tag. E.g. {% include 'module' %}
or {% include 'webapp' %}
. * The code must not rely on inheriting any variables from higher up in the Page because those variables will not be available on the API endpoint Page. If you need to pass in more variables, this must be done via URL Params and read via {{context.params}}
At the top of this layout, in the wrapper file if it has one, you need to include the following Liquid. This generates a public_key you need to use the API. See "Thinking about Security" for why we use this. If you're using a WebApp or Module tag and layout from Siteglide, these variables will be available automatically.
However, if you're using a Liquid tag which has a value other than module
or webapp
, you will need to manually feed in the model_type parameter instead of model. For example, if you're using the tag:
...then your public key function should look like this:
You can also use the Live Updates API with a content_section
or code_snippet
. Note that these include types don't intrinsically react to changes in the URL e.g. setting a parameter like page
would not be natively supported. This can however be a benefit if you intend to write custom code including GraphQl; you will have to write that server-side code yourself, but you can take advantage of the Live Updates JS and event-listeners to quickly implement filter functionality on the client-side.
To use Live Updates with a content_section
or code_snippet
, you need to add a model_type
as above, selecting the one you intend to use. Then you also need to add an include_id
to the ID of the snippet/ section:
See the collection
and creator_id
URL parameters for more details about setting collection
to 'true' when generating the public key.
Before you can use the API on a layout, you must let the JavaScript know that a particular layout needs to be prepared to connect to the Live Updates API. To do this we need to add a data-attribute containing the public key from earlier to a layout's main element. (See the API reference for an alternative method using the JavaScript new keyword.)
The layout will now initialise once the JS has loaded. You can check it has initialised and access the instance by typing window.sgLiveUpdateConfig
into your JavaScript console.
At this point in our guide, your code should look something like this:
Next, a common feature of a layout with live updates is to add a form which the user can interact with to prompt some kind of change in what they are being displayed. For example, they may wish to sort, filter, change page or even edit the data they are seeing.
To add a form, we need another data-attribute. You can add as many forms as you need (if for example different controls need to be in different places in the layout).
The simplest way to add controls to your form is to use standard HTML form elements. The element's name should correspond to the URL parameter you wish the user to be able to change, while the value of the element obviously will set the parameter's value. Check the full example at the beginning along with the API Reference to see other kinds of supported controls and buttons:
Note ordinary HTML elements don't need any additional data-attributes. The API will watch for changes within the form area.
As you make changes to the elments in the form, the Live Updates API will update the entire layout with a new Liquid re-render and replace it in the DOM.
Replacing the entire layout in the DOM may not be ideal however, as users interactions with the form will be interupred by the change.
The API allows you to specify one or more "components" which should update when the data changes. Once you setup a component, the HTML in between components will no longer change.
Let's add the important Siteglide tag `
`, which fetches our results, inside a new area marked as a component:
Now the results will update when we the user types in the search box, but their entries so far will not be lost as the form is not inside the component.
It's required to give the component a unique value in its data-attribute so the API can match up the component in the DOM with the component in the re-rendered document.
That's the basics of the Live Update API.
Learn more:
How to add sort buttons
How to add custom toggle buttons
How to set up pagination
How to use a method to change advanced settings
The forms JavaScript is a lightweight script which includes a small function for handling checkbox valiadation.
Essentially, it handles instances where there is one checkbox field in the Siteglide Admin with multiple options; the field is required, but only one of the options needs to be checked ideally before the form is submitted. The script dynamically adds and removes the required HTML attribute from the checkboxes to achieve this effect.
Most validation scripts are included directly in the forms layouts to allow easier customisation, but the checkbox validation script has been abstracted because it is quite specialised.
Page Templates
This guide assumes you have a basic familiarity with:
Building WebApp and Module Layouts on Siteglide using Liquid tags
HTML, including data-attributes
The quickest way to get started with the SiteBuilder Live Updates API is to install a SiteBuilder layout which already uses it. Look out for the teal 'Live-updates ready' tag on the layouts, install and modify at will.
Having said that, if you want to modify any other layout to start fetching live updates with the API, we'll show how to do that next.
The following markup example would work well in the wrapper.liquid
file of a webapp or module layout. The layout
and _model
variables will then be inherited from the tag used to output the layout in the page.
The SiteBuilder Live Updates API helps you quickly build interactive, dynamic website layouts for Siteglide which live-update parts of their content when the user interacts with them.
This allows you to use the convenience of server-side rendering with performance more akin to a JavaScript framework.
When you want the server to live-update Liquid content, you normally need to create a new Page for each specific type of content and write JavaScript to send a GET request to fetch that content and insert it into the Page. This API provides a single ready-built API endpoint Page to make this process quicker. When we describe "adding parameters to the request" in this documentation, we mean adding query parameters to the GET requests' URL.
See the URL Parameters Section for more details on choosing parameters to modify your content.
When using a single page to deliver multiple types of content, how do we prevent malicious users requesting content they should not have access to?
When using the API, you'll get the server to generate a public key which contains encrypted information about the exact Liquid layout you are intending to use and live-update. This includes for example:
The path of the Liquid Partial
The WebApp or Module ID
The user ID which might be used to filter the items based on ownership.
The same server handles the requests and it will only accept valid public keys from which it can extract that same information. That means sensitive parameters which are stored inside the public key cannot be simply modified by a user who does not have direct access to the server.
PlatformOS cookies and user sessions are preserved by the requests, so secure zones will apply as normal within the Liquid files which are re-rendered. You will need to write code which respects secure zones logic as you normally would.
The sitegurus_sliders_javascript_api is a script which allows multiple layouts on the same page to run fully responsive sliders powered by Swiper.js.
We chose Swiper.js because it's a well maintained library, which has a very wide range of configuration options, allowing all sorts of slider effects.
SiteBuilder layouts can use any front-end JS library, so using this API is completely optional. However, for those layouts which do use it, this article aims to help you make the most of the benefits.
Read more about the Slider Module here](/documentation/sitebuilder/modules_and_more/sliders).
Each of the layouts which uses this script will include the following code for loading the script and setting up the configuration for the slider:
This code is included inside the layout in order to allow some level of configuration by developers, while maximising performance:
It loads asynchronously along with its dependencies, and includes Liquid logic to ensure it only runs once.
It allows multiple slider layouts to be initialised on the same page, each with different settings, without conflicts.
It allows the developer to configure the settings and write JS which manipulates the sliders after initialisation, should they wish.
This is achieved mainly through creating a globally-scoped variable window.sitebuilderSwiperConfig
. Each inidivudal slider is added to this object with a unique name and important properties are stored against it. Once the JavaScript is loaded, it reads this variable and initialises the sliders.
You will see inside the layout a config
For example, changing slidesPerView
to 2
would show 2 slides on the page at a time.
Only the config property directly maps to the Swiper.js documentation, the initiated and onInit properties are used by Sitegurus behind the scenes.
In the example below, we show you how to add a button to manipulate the slider once it is ready.
The references to each initialised slider are also stored inside the window.sitebuilderSwiperConfig object.
Check out the each time you want to look something up.
Note that this API currently uses GET requests only to fetch/read HTML and/or data. While it is possible for the agency developer to write server-side Liquid on the rendered layout which will write to the database, the API does not provide any of its own functionality for writing to the database (if you do need this kind of functionality- see Siteglide's and Forms). This is a very similar situation to visiting Siteglide pages via the browser.
Some parameters that we consider non-sensitive normally, like those which might be used to filter data could in some use cases be something you do not wish users to be able to modify. In this case, you can use our Guide to solve this problem.
See the collection
and creator_id
for security considerations regarding JSON data and filtering items by their owner respectively.
This contains the configuration settings required to acheive the Swiper.js effects the layout has out of the box, but it can be edited as per the in the Swiper.js docs.
Note that some properties, for example pagination, may require you to add to the HTML alongside your changes to the JS object.
Under the configuration, you can define a callback function in the onInit
property. This will allow you to run your own JavaScript when you can be confident that the Slider has initiated. The function will provide you a reference to the initiated slider which you can use to run any from the documentation:
This function is an important part of how WebApp Layouts can automatically adapt to handle different sources of data.
It takes in a headings object which stores field IDs as keys next to the names of available field slots as values. It then returns a new object using the values in this
which stores the data values against those field slots so that the layout can output the data.
If you add a new field to the WebApp after creating the layout with SiteBuilder, you can safely access that value via the this
object as you normally would in a layout.
However, if you wish, you can also modify the existing headings in the JSON object.
Starting with this Object...
You could change it so that existing {{field_map['Title']}}
outputs would output values from a different field like so:
Or you can add a brand new slot to the WebApp {{field_map['Extra Slot']}}
and populate it with a new field's data:
As the field_headings are passed into the function, the function will return an object where the required data values are stored against the correct keys.
This function aims to check two things:
Whether a WebApp has a Detail Layout enabled?
Whether a WebApp Layout has a {{this.full_slug}} which fits an expected pattern.
In future, this function should also be able to provide these checks for Module Layouts too.
Currently, the function is experimental and works well as a straight-out-of-the-box solution for Layouts installed, but we do recommend you also carry out a manual check to make sure links to detial pages are working correctly.
In this section of the documentation, we'll cover some common Liquid functions which SiteBuilder adds into Layouts so you can understand what this code is doing and, if you like, use them yourself.
A Liquid function is similar to an include
tag except that they return a single variable instead of printing to the page. They are also close to being "pure" functions in that they do not inherit variables other than the ones you pass to them explicitly inside the tag, making them more reliable and less prone to unexpected side-effects.
Read more about Liquid functions here: Liquid Functions.
These functions can be modified by future versions of SiteBuilder. The /v1/
in the path will be updated for newer versions of the functions. Newly installed Layouts will use the new version, but your existing code can continue to use the older versions, for backwards compatibility.
The cookie settings JavaScript is a lightweight script designed to support SiteBuilder Layouts which modify a cookie in order to store the user's cookie preferences.
Here we'll explain how you can use the features of this script while modifying a layout.
After the user first sets their preferences, these preferences will be stored in a cookie with the name: sg-cookie-policy-settings
which will expire after a year.
The Liquid will ensure the script is only loaded once on the page.
Use the data-sg-cookie
data attribute to set an element as a control that will modify the settings. The value of the data-attribute will be the value of the preferences cookie when set. Theoretically you can set it to any string, but normally you'll want to differentiate between a simple set of choices.
Since the script is loaded asynchronously, the controls won't have event listeners attached immediately. Meanwhile the user may be eager to access the rest of the site and may try to dismiss the popup as soon as possible. Therefore, we recommend you start the controls with styling which indicates that they are disabled. You can then use the data-sg-cookie-btn-enabled
data-attribute to store classes which you would like to use to style the button once it is enabled. The script will replace the value of the class attribute with the value of the data-attribute when the script is ready.
Note in this example above, we also use Liquid context.cookies.sg-cookie-policy-settings
to set a default checked value to the radio currently active on page load.
Since this uses data-attributes, we don't have a callback function on success. Instead we set a custom event on the document:
Accessing event.details
will let you know the current state of the preferences, however, you could of course use JS to check the cookies directly.
The script does not actually remove google analytics cookies which are already set. Layouts will disable any analytics script wrapped inside their Liquid logic. If you do wish to delete analytics cookies directly, we recommend you do this in a function called after the success event.
This function fetches the configuration file which Siteglide uses to store metadata about the WebApp or Module. By outputting the returned Object {{table_config}}
you can explore the JSON tree and find out information about the WebApp dynamically.
SiteBuilder Layouts might for example use this to output the name of the WebApp in a Layout, or to loop over custom fields to output the field names as labels alongside the values.
The function carries out a GraphQL call behind the scenes, so for performance reasons, we recommend only including this function if you need it. It may be more appropriate, when you know the data should not change often, to hardcode these values in the Layout instead. Following this, you are also welcome to replace this function where you see it in an installed layout, with a more straightforward hardcoded solution.
However, if you have a situation where the WebApp configuration is likely to change often and you want the layout to automatically change often to reflect that, this function can be very useful.
This guide will show you how to use methods after data-attributes initialisation. If you want to use the object constructor, look here.
Methods are another name for functions which you can run on an object in JavaScript.
The Live Updates API builds an object we call an instance for each of the sections of code you add data-attributes to. You can access these and call methods to set advanced options, affecting how the API works.
You can see the full list of available methods in the API Reference
Since the Live Updates API JS loads asynchronously, you need to get your code to wait for it to finish loaded before accessing it.
We provide a custom event for this, so set an event listener to wrap all your code which will need to work with the Live Updates API (note the window.sgLiveUpdateInitiated variable was added in Live Updates v1-3, you'll need to update your scripts to use it):
data-attribute to the layoutAdding the data-sg-live-update-section
with a unique value to the same element where you added data-sg-live-update-key
allows you to reference it later.
This is useful if you want to use methods on a specific layout. If you want to instead apply the method to all instances of Live Update in a loop, you can skip this step.
Since using data-attributes automatically initialises the SitegurusLiveUpdate
object, we provide a global JavaScript variable window.sgLiveUpdateConfig
(and a custom event on the document element live_update_script_ready
to inform you when it's ready to access) to provide a list of all the initiated instances.
Each instance is stored within the object against a key which is derived from the data-sg-live-update-section="your_key"
attribute on the main element, or a incrementally designated number by default.
You can access a specific instance via this key, or loop over them all and run your method on the instance. In the example, replace methodName with the method name from this documentation.
More methods can be found in the API Reference
Until this point, we have focussed on how to use our data-attributes to configure the Live Updates API. In this guide we'll show you how to initialise with JavaScript. This is intended for advanced users, who may wish to extend the functionality.
Similar to the Getting Started Section, include the following Liquid to asyncronously load the JS only once per page.
We'll skip this snippet of code in the next few examples, for brevity.
Since the JS runs asynchronously, the constructor function cannot be invoked immediately. We provide a custom event on the document which can be listened for so that we know when the script is ready.
First, include the module JavaScript via CDN and generate the public_key on the server-side as shown earlier in this article.
Next, you'll need to pass the public_key to your JavaScript. You can either:
a) write the JS in an inline <script></script>
tag and output the public_key straight into the JS using Liquid
b) or you can use Liquid to output the public_key into a data-attribute and fetch it from the DOM when needed. Tip: You may not wish to use a different attribute other than data-sg-live-update-key
, as this will trigger the default event-listeners in the module if present.
c) Or you can use Liquid to output the public key as a global JS variable in an inline script tag.
Inline Script Tag example:
Refer to the API Reference for the full range of available options which can be used while initialising with JS.
Earlier we stored a reference to the Live Update instance in a variable called section
. We can use this now to run the liveUpdate
method inside the event callback function.
You can find the full reference for this method and others in the (API Reference)[/documentation/sitebuilder/live_updates/API_reference]. Other methods can be run on the instance in the same way.
Added option to specify onlyUpdateComponent array of strings in .liveUpdate()
and .changeStateTrailingDebounce()
These specify which components should re-render in the DOM after the update, for example if you pass .update({onlyUpdateComponent: ['mainResults']});
only the element with data-sg-live-update-component="mainResults" will re-render, not data-sg-live-update-component="filters".
The re-render will still take the same amount of time on the server-side, but this may be helpful to improve UX by supressing any DOM replacements which are annoying to the user.
Regression Bug found where since adding default params option, some types of control element were being ignored. This update should fix this.
Added new method .mergeDefaultParams()
- this is to be preferred in most cases over .setDefaultParams() as the passed object will be merged with existing defaultParams rather than completely overwriting it. Any common params will still be overwritten. This will avoid overwriting module defined internal defaultParams including those that send the original URL over to the endpoint.
Added new data-attribute data-sg-live-update-default-param
. This attribute should be given to an HTML form element within a data-sg-live-update-controls
element. As usual, the element must also have a name to define which parameter it will set. This element will now set a defaultParams property instead of directly setting a parameter. This is useful because you can use the new default elements to set a default then use ordinary elements to override that default when the user makes a change. See reference docs for examples.
Fixed bug in data-attribute initiated Live Updates where <select>
form controls would trigger both the input
and change
events, creating a duplicate update and small associated delay. Now form controls are either assigned an input
or change
event listener depending on the most appropriate one for their type. Please let us know any feedback if you think an input type could be improved by switching to a different event in future.
Improved reliability: New Custom Event and global variable added to make it easier to execute a function after the asynchronous Live Updates JS is ready, or after any data-attributes have been passed (if using). A new event live_update_constructor_ready
will fire on the document element when the new SitegurusLiveUpdate()
constructor is ready to use. We've also added a new global variable window.sgLiveUpdateInitiated
which tells you when the data-attributes have been read and instances of liveUpdates automatically constructed. Putting these together, you can now use the following code when waiting to use the constructor:
You can also use this code if you want to wait for each instance of Live Updates initiated by data-attributes to be ready; Useful if you are using methods to modify them:
This code is more reliable than previous patterns when your own script is running asynchronously, as it should work whether your script or the Live Updates script is executed first.
Improved reliability - live_update_end
event used to fire after all synchronous code related to the update had run; it now fires after all synchronous and asynchronous code has run.
Improved console error messaging for a few scenarios where Live Updates code is incorrectly set up.
Only form elements with names will now be automatically initiated as Live Updates filters. This helps avoid unwanted re-renders when typing in elements which are not intended to be used as filters. This helps compatibility with the search function of plugins like https://github.com/Choices-js/Choices
New functionality added for modifyHistory, including a method and data-attribute for setting it. When turned on, any changes to live update form elements will push those same changes to the history API. This causes the URL in the browser's address bar to change without reloading the page. It is useful if you want the URL to your live-updates-powered page to be shareable.
If any of the live-updates filters have an HTML value attribute (with a truthy value) on page load, a live update will run immediately as soon as the JavaScript is ready. This allows you to take a shareable link provided by the above modifyHistory
feature, or a link from a non-live-updates layout, like a Blog Detail page, load that link and instantly have it apply those filters.
The combination of these two features is powerful, but we recommend only one live-updates layout has this feature turned on on each page, otherwise you can end up in a loop where one layout's filters update the filters of another.
Always install updates to the main SiteBuilder Module before any Themes
SiteBuilder updates won't overwrite your site code
Uninstalling the SiteBuilder module may cause some code to stop working.
We're always adding to SiteBuilder and its associated Theme Modules. However, it's important to us that changes to this module do not cause you problems on your site.
Therefore, we never change the layouts on your site during an update. We only update the "master copy" of the layout in the module. That means brand new layout installs from the module will have updates, while older layouts will continue to function as before.
There are exceptions to this rule, for example Liquid includes which power functionality like dynamic forms. In these cases, we will only modify these files with non-breaking changes. For breaking changes, a new version of the file will be created and linked to new layouts, leaving the old version continuing to function with existing layouts.
For the optimum compatibility, we recommend always making sure the main SiteBuilder module is up to date before updating any SiteBuilder Theme modules. Some Theme module updates may rely on the latest version of SiteBuilder.
Theme Presets released for the Flowbite Theme - we'll talk about these a lot more in the coming days. In short, presets are a set of defaults for your Tailwind Config which set default colour, font and much more! You can switch preset to completely change the look of your site while keeping the HTML untouched. To start with we're releasing the following:
Gardening Preset
MNTNs Preset
New layouts to be released alongside the presets which are fully compatible with the Flowbite Theme but have come from other designers' open-source work. These make a more generous use of both primary and secondary colour variables.
Structured Data added to the following Detail layouts for better SEO:
+ Flowbite Pro Version 1.9.4
New Admin Table Layouts for Modules:
Blog List
FAQ List
Events List
2 New Blog Detail Layouts
2 New Form Layouts
New Accordion WebApp Layout
Original Blog Detail Layout updated with new features (will roll out to other Blog layouts soon):
Google Structured Data Support
Support for visiting URL with ?edit=true at end of URL to display edit form (after permission checks). This goes nicely with the Admin Tables which can link to it.
Updated many modals to be "static" to prevent accidental closing
Support for new Pro layouts in Preview Mode
Removed console errors for Live Updates which were unnecessary (logs not errors).
Flowbite Pro Theme - Version 1.9.4
A new eCommerce themed menu layout containing a mini cart preview
Cart preview includes product thumbnails, names and prices
User can delete items from cart, with live-updates supported re-rendering for a smooth experience
A new Blog Detail layout alternative
More static layouts for Portfolio and Promotional Section
Tailwind build method can now be overridden on the Page Template level, either by setting when you create a Page Template, or by using the template_build_method
parameter (can be set to either "cli" or "preview"):
New Preview build method for Tailwind. This is a replacement for the now deprecated JIT option, which should provide faster development times.
Preview mode is designed to load CSS fallbacks so that any Flowbite blocks added to the site will be supported out-of-the-box, using Flowbite default variables.
It can be used alongside a CLI build. The CLI build will override any classes you've used, with branded versions of the variables you've set in your Tailwind Config file, while continuing to fallback to Flowbite defaults when brand new blocks are added.
New Static Layouts for Flowbite:
Promotional Section
Small UX and styling improvements to navigation and scrolling
Patch to fix Flowbite WebApp Edit Form layout not installing properly in "static" mode.
New Layout type- Category List Views - these work as code snippets which can be added almost anywhere and either loop over all categories or children of a category ID you pass in in settings.
SiteBuilder 4.15.0
2 new Category List Layouts
Flowbite Pro Theme 1.9.0
5 new Category List Layouts
New Flowbite Form Confirmation Layout which will automatically display submitted custom fields with headings.
Each field type will be displayed appropriately, e.g. files can be downloaded and images will be displayed.
Page Templates and Flowbite Cookie Popup Layouts will include code for Google Tag Manager- ID will need adding manually in order to work.
Cleaned up some old files no longer used
Renamed some eCommerce layouts for clarity
Patches to manually-managed setting on files created with SiteBuilder
Changes to Tailwind setup folder structure - for easier setup
Changelog coming soon. Suggest holding off on update until ready.
Updated Layouts generally to support latest version of Flowbite v.2.3.0 and Tailwind CSS 3.4.3. To get the benefit of newer Flowbite JS, you will need to update the <script>
tag in any SiteBuilder-built Page Templates. When testing the Site Templates, we didn't find many compatibility issues- the main one was a change in syntax for Flowbite Modal components. Please report any you find which can be fixed on our end.
Updated the Sitegurus Tailwind Template with these newer versions of Flowbite and Tailwind CSS. https://github.com/SiteGurus/Siteglide-Tailwind-Template You can update your existing CLI setups using NPM
Released eCommerce Layouts
Product List View
Product Detail View
Form Confirmation with embedded Order Detail
Orders List View (requires login)
Form Layouts
New Form Layout with embedded Cart Layout, designed to be used with Checkout/ Quote type forms
Added better support for Stripe Form elements in dark mode
Added better Flowbite dark mode support for spinners on buttons
standard Blog list view layout
Fix for author snippets links
Improved displaying user-feedback on filtering
A new Flowbite eCommerce Site Template will follow shortly, demoing many of these new layouts.
Fix for addresses in form layouts
Hotfix for bug in previous update
Form Layouts
Fix for eCommerce-themed Form type Layouts asking which Module you wish to use, instead of which CMS Form.
Module Add and Edit Layouts have been upgraded to better support Custom Modules from the Marketplace. This will work alongside an upcoming Siteglide release
Live Updates 1-4 hotfix - changelog
Hotfix for form layouts not working with the minified version of JavaScript files. This issue would only have affected more recent installs.
Support for upcoming eCommerce features- including new version of Live Updates 1.4.
Support for upcoming eCommerce features
Fix for broken links in the SiteBuilder UI
Fix for JIT Tailwind script not loading correctly after 4.8.8.
Live Updates v1-3
New version of Live Updates 1.3. Existing layouts can be updated by manually changing the <script>
. New layouts will use the new version.
All SiteBuilder JS, including Live Updates, now has a minified version of the same file in the same folder. Simply replace .js
with .min.js
extensions for a performance boost. This will be applied to new installs of layouts going forwards. If you're experiencing unhandled JS errors and want to report a bug, you may find it helpful to switch back to the unminified version temporarily.
Performance boost to the SiteBuilder module UI
Datasources in forms used to only show a maximum of 20 options. A lower value may have increased performance, but also reduced the user's choices arbitrarily. Now that limit has been increased to 2000 by default on both dynamic and static form layouts. You can change the default on dynamic layouts by setting a datasource_limit
parameter to a string value e.g. '1000'
on the form_layout_fields
include. On static layouts, the per_page
parameter can be edited on the nested <div data-gb-custom-block data-tag="include"></div>
tags inside the layout which fetch the datasource options.
Cookie Popup Layouts
Fixed bug preventing some layouts from hiding scripts when cookies rejected. Remember changes will only apply to freshly installed layouts. If you need to fix an existing layout manually, replace: <div data-gb-custom-block data-tag="if" data-0='all' data-1='all' data-2='all' data-3='all' data-4='all' data-5='all' data-6='all' data-7='all' data-8='all' data-9='all' data-10='all' data-11='all' data-12='all' data-13='all' data-14='all' data-15='all' data-16='all' data-17='all' data-18='all' data-19='all' data-20='all' data-21='all' data-22='all'></div>
with <div data-gb-custom-block data-tag="if" data-0='sg-cookie-policy-settings' data-1='sg-cookie-policy-settings' data-2='sg-cookie-policy-settings' data-3='sg-cookie-policy-settings' data-4='] == ' data-5='] == ' data-6='] == '></div>
Live Updates
Added support for using a code_snippet or content_section as your layout. A new parameter of include_id
has been added to the live_updates_params_encode
include to store the ID of the code_snippet
or content_section
. See: Defining a Live Update Layout
New version of Live Updates 1.2
Fixed bug in Page Template install in Themes with no cookie popup option
Fixed bug in Live Updates error handling
Improved PageBuilder Options. You can now set custom pagination layouts in PageBuilder in the options drawer.
Improvement to WebApp table layout so that if a category filter is added, it's possible to choose a parent category in a Liquid variable at the top of the wrapper. This means you can organise relevant categories in a folder and only show those.
Improvement to Blog layouts using a grid where if few results, the cards would stretch to fill the space. Now they stay at the correct unstretched size.
Blog, Events, FAQ and other list layouts replaced with upgraded Live Updates versions of themselves, for better user experience. When using new list layouts alongside a details page, set use_adv_search: 'true'
on the list view's tag to instantly apply detail page filters when linking back. (See below)
Fixed missing parameter range_field
for live Updates API
Live Updates API now has a new version of its JavaScript file, with added functionality. This will be included in many new SiteBuilder layouts by default, or you can optionally upgrade your existing layouts with the tag:
Live Updates API now adds a click listener to text input fields. This helps to cover an edge-case where a cancel button is nested inside the text area to clear the field. Non-breaking change.
New feature modifyHistory changes te URL to match fitlers without page reload - useful for shareable links and single-page applications
New feature automatically launches a live-update on page load if any of the live-update form elemtns has a value.
Improvement to error message when a Liquid error is detected in updated HTML.
Fixed a rare bug relating to module API page templates conflicting with site page templates.
Fix for live-updates issue where radio button element's value is read incorrectly when filtering.
Fix for issue from 4.7.2
Added layouts to Flowbite and Bootstrap Themes for:
Cookie Policy Popups
Cookie Policy Settings Pages
These are examples of a brand new type of layout for SiteBuilder, as installing them creates a Siteglide code_snippet with a unique ID. More code_snippet layouts are now possible for SiteBuilder developers. Currently, these are not supported in PageBuilder.
Page Template creation now gives you an option to install a cookie popup layout directly into your new Page Template. If chosen, this replaces the Google Analytics script which would normally be entered by default. The cookie popup layout contains the same Google Analytics script, but wraps it in logic which allows it to be toggled on and off by the end-user. Cookies settings page layouts are not designed to be entered in the Page Template and must be installed via the layouts tab instead.
Added new setting in settings tab for TinyMCE API key. This allows layouts to dynamically fetch key from one place.
Flowbite table webapp layout now uses left-align for its table headers.
Improvements to forms
All form components to use the {{field_id}}
(plus any appropriate suffix) for their ID, instead of name (same for label for attributes). This should simplify any JS or CSS referencing it.
All required fields will have an asterisk " *" added after their labels by default. This can be changed in components.
All inputs will be given data-attributes containing the text of their human-readable label data-sg-validation-label
and the main field ID for their field data-sg-validation-id
(note this may be different from the ID of the element if there are multiple form elements responsible for controlling a field, e.g. checkboxes). These can be useful when writing custom validation rules.
If the error message from Siteglide validation references a field by ID, we will change the error message to be more human-friendly. The default is a generic message asking the user to complete missing fields, but a commented out alternative allows you to print the human-readable name of the first missing field. Likewise, we've added a more human-friendly error message when a captcha fails. These messages can be edited in the form layout JS.
Improvements for Date, File and Image fields when marked as required.
Improvements for rich-text textarea type fields when marked as required.
Added minimum value to date fields so they do not add a date which is out of range of Siteglide's date field. Siteglide dates must be within the unix epoch.
Improved animation transition on form progress bars.
Improvement to Flowbite Login Form Modal Layout - Wider padding and more modern syntax to make it less prone to closing accidentally. This may still happen if the user clicks on the backdrop, but is less likely to happen when missing a click event aimed at an input.
Supporting the ability to more easily add a parameter to redirect the form to a custom URL. Set custom_form_redirect
parameter on the top include form
tag or the include form_layout_fields
Fixes for dark mode on some Flowbite Layouts
Hotfix for Rich Text fields not submitting correctly in forms
Fix for Flowbite Typography dark mode on Flowbite Layouts
Improvements and fixes to Sitebuilder Forms:
Type date fields now show initial values correctly, in local timezone, the same as Siteglide Admin. They also have max-values which don't allow invalid unix timestamps and expiry date will default to the max timestamp.
Textarea fields are now passed data-sg-rich-text
attribute if rich_text
is selected in the Siteglide Admin
Textarea fields now have rich-text-editor support when rich-text is turned on. This feature is powered by TinyMCE and requires a free API key to be added to remove warning notice. View the docs to add your API key and modify the settings.
Added experimental support for datasources on Flowbite Live-updates WebApp table layout. This outputs the names of data-sourced webapp items in the table-cell instead of IDs. In future, we'd like to optimise this for performance, for now, we recommend only using it on short lists.
Fix for SiteBuilder forms- datasource (single) fields in edit forms were not previously showing initial values correctly.
Launching the JS Live Update API - Making it quick and easy to live-update server-side code on the client side when users interact with it and its state changes.
New Flowbite Page Templates now have the beta feature option to select an alternative Template structure suitable for Portals and Applications. This supports a Flowbite sidebar layout.
Improvements and Fixes for some Form Layouts
Added a variant of the Flowbite multi-part form with full-width fields for use in smaller form sections.
Flowbite multi-part forms now fill the container height, making it more convenient to add them inside a grid.
Fixes for edit email & password functionality on Flowbite forms (Bootstrap Theme did not have the bug)
Fixes for some Slider Layouts
fixes layouts which were either missing the Liquid to load the JS, or using an older, less efficient, version.
fixes for layouts with broken image alt fields.
Fixes for compatible Themes, such as Flowbite Pro.
Fixed bug when installing a detail layout from a compatible theme on PageBuilder, where that layout would be given a list view tag.
Fixed bug in WebApp Layout field mapping where layouts from compatible Themes were given the wrong field slots.
Fixed bug viewing layouts from compatible themes on Layouts tab when the same ID was used in different Theme namespaces.
Added support for WebApp Layouts. WebApp Layouts allow agencies to map custom fields from a WebApp to slots in the Layout, so Generalised Layouts can suit a range of specific use-cases.
UI Improvements including Validation and Accessibility
Added a range of WebApp Layouts to the Flowbite Library.
More WebApp Layouts coming soon.
Support for Siteglide Slider Module
New optional JS script for layouts implementing a slider effect
Added Slider layouts to Flowbite and Bootstrap Themes
Fix for some layout options in Page Builder
Improvements to UI
Support for WebApp and Module item add, edit and delete form layouts.
Support for WebApp and Module item add forms to PageBuilder.
Updated documentation to explain the new reliable way to change the order of custom fields in dynamic form layouts.
Changed default order for system fields in forms to be negative. This will affect existing sites, so be prepared to review these when updating the module:
name: -40
email: -30
password: -20
Categories: -10 It is possible to order custom fields so that they fall before, after or between these system fields.
PageBuilder UI updated to guide the user to select Page Template and name before the Theme is locked-in.
Form Layout progress bars only display while form is submitting, not before.
Improvements to Form Layout Image and File fields.
Fixes to SiteBuilder UI
Changed Home tab video
Added new home tab to Module UI
Fix for some issues in the settings page
Further Static Layouts Fixes
Fix for Static Layouts from compatible Themes e.g. Flowbite Pro, so that the Theme does not need to be installed on a Page Template, only installed to the Site, before the Static Layouts appear.
Adds tips when a user adds a Module Layout in Page Builder, or when a Module Layout is installed.
Links to Siteglide Admin from the UI now open in the same tab to take advantage of faster loading speeds.
Multiple UI styling and responsiveness fixes
Form field labels on Static Layouts now support apostrophe characters.
Improves reliability of installs of layouts from compatible Themes.
Fixes install bug
Reduces Module install time
Adds support for agencies to add SiteBuilder content through creating modules in the Siteglide Marketplace. These modules can be of two types, Themes which add entirely new Themes to SiteBuilder, or can extend existing compatible Themes. Or functional modules which add new content to Siteglide and can include SiteBuilder compatible layouts to extend any existing Theme. Read more in the documentation.
New module UI which aims to deliver a clearer starting point for new users and better defaults for more experienced users.
hcaptcha support for forms. This allows you to use Siteglide's recommended spam protection method.
Remove unwanted PageBuilder sections
Liquid tag recommendations when creating layouts
More Modules and Sub-modules supported
Bug fix for Form Layouts to support HTML entities like ' in form config field options e.g. in checkboxes.
PageBuilder Safari bugfixes
PageBuilder UI design Improvements
Released PageBuilder, a brand new user-interface for quickly building a page from scratch using SiteBuilder content. Access this by clicking a library and scrolling down to PageBuilder.
Search for and apply an existing Page Template
Add as many sections as you like and choose whether to add static or dynamic layouts
Visually preview and choose layouts from the current SiteBuilder library.
Use the UI to select module specific settings to automatically add to the Liquid tags when we build the page
Support for form fields for changing email and passwords.
Performance upgrade when adding duplicate layouts to the same PageBuilder Page
Added support for adding Detail Layouts. Tip: use item_ids to select a specific item's detail page
Added Changelog to documentation
Added new contextual docs links
Improved Page Template Creation wizard to add Header/ Footer options
Introducing the Flowbite Library
This include was designed to keep SiteBuilder layouts tidy by abstracting common pagination logic out of layouts.
It can be used to determine where in the layout the pagination layout should be displayed. Just move the tag to where you need it.
The include is an alternative to the documented Siteglide feature How to Move Pagination; it just adds a few extra SiteBuilder features.
Important The include will only output pagination if the main Liquid tag has the parameters use_pagination: 'true'
and pagination_layout
set. Otherwise, it will do nothing.
Parameter | Type | Required | Notes |
The original logic inside the function is as follows. You can use this to make a copy and modify if you wish in your own layouts.
HTML data-attributes are a convenient way to configure the Live Update API JavaScript. We recommend using these in most use-cases. Unlike some JavaScript Libraries, it is possible to use data-attributes along with JavaScript methods without any known conflicts.
Attribute | Role | Required | Example |
The Live Updates API, at its core, sends requests to the server to fetch a new version of the HTML content. Therefore, this section shows you which parameters can be sent in this request to modify how the Liquid will be rendered in the next response.
Before reading this section, it will help to be familiar with the Siteglide documentation relating to the kind of Liquid tag you are intending to live-update- here are a few useful links, but you may need to browse further to find the feature you're working with:
On the endpoint page we provide, the Liquid tag being live-updated is output.
In order to make the process of dynamically modifying the output simpler, we are basing the parameters for modifying it 99% on existing Siteglide functionality. We will update this module after new Siteglide functionality is released. We do have a few custom parameters with an sg
prefix which can be used to modify module behaviour.
**While in Siteglide some parameters must be set via Liquid e.g. item_ids
...and others via URL e.g. page
...when using the Live Updates API, you can set any parameter via our URL parameters alone, giving you direct and consistent control.
If you need to use a URL parameter which is missing from the table above:
If Siteglide recognises it as a URL parameter which can modify results, you should be able to use it safely.
If Siteglide requires the parameter to be added as a Liquid parameter to the main tag, please ask Sitegurus and we'll add support for it, if possible.
Live Updates Custom Parameters
The following parameters modify the behaviour of the API endpoint page:
In the last section, we detailed the URL Parameters which the API uses to request data. This next section will detail how you can set these paramters and allow the user to interact with the HTML to change these parameters.
By interactive form areas, we mean any area of the layout which contains filters, sorting controls, pagination controls or buttons designed to change the state of the layout, causing it to live-update in some way. It will most likely have a <form>
tag in the DOM for semantic reasons, but this is not strictly necessary.
The data-sg-live-update-controls
attribute marks an element as an interactive form area and the JavaScript will search the area for Form elements and custom buttons to which it can attach event listeners.
Any HTML Form elements with a name attribute (including hidden inputs) inside this element will automatically have event listeners added to them watching for "keyup" or "change" events which will trigger a live-update with new parameters based on the name and values all HTML form elements inside.
For example, the following markup can be used to add the parameters &per_page=20
to the request URL, changing that parameter in the endpoint Liquid tag and live-updating the content with the parameter applied. The name attribute provides the parameter key and the value property provides the value:
Using the data-attributes and our automatic event listeners allows the user to modify multiple parameters at the same time. If you have filters for both category and colour, when the category filter changes, it will trigger a live-update of the content, but both the current values of the category and the colour inputs will be included in the request. Once the color filter is changed, it will in turn also include the category filter's current value in the request.
Keyup events, targeting fields in which the user will type, will be debounced so that keyup events don't cause disorientating changes too often. After the user pauses in typing, the live-update will take the latest values and trigger the live-update. Other events are set to update immediately.
HTML Form Elements with the type="hidden"
attribute will behave the same as other HTML Form Elements for the purposes of controlling the GET Parameters the API will use in its requests.
One common use-case for these is to use as "default" settings that will be needed in every request, despite any choices made by the user.
What Problems do our custom toggle buttons solve?
Often in Siteglide, modules will have a single button which triggers JavaScript which will need to change multiple parameters in the URL at once, for example the archive buttons on the Blog and Events Lists needs to change both the range_lt
and range_gte
An ordinary form control in HTML can have only one name, so is not suitable changing multiple parameters at once without some other supporting JavaScript.
Radio buttons cannot be unchecked easily by the user. It is useful to be able to clear filters.
To provide a consistent, convenient solution to both these problems, we're including custom toggle buttons in our documented markup:
Markup rules:
They must use the <button>
semantic element.
They must have a data-sg-live-update-control-params
data-attribute. This stores an absolute or relative URL, or just the search parameters of a URL starting with a ?
. When the button is pressed, the query parameters from the passed URL will be added to the request, along with parameters sourced from other form controls.
Optionally they can have a data-sg-live-update-control-group
data-attribute. This allows them to act as radio buttons within that group, with only one pressed at a time, however, with the important difference that it is possible to uncheck all of them. If you do not provide this attribute, the buttons will be considered to be in a group with all ungrouped buttons.
When a custom toggle button is pressed, we'll automatically add the data-attribute aria-pressed="true"
to make the toggle button match accessibility guidelines. When unpressed, we will set aria-pressed
to false. For sighted users, we strongly recommend adding CSS to make buttons with aria-pressed="true"
look visually as if they are toggled, for example by changing colour. e.g. in CSS:
At the time of writing, the newest version of Tailwind supports the variant aria-pressed:
If using Flowbite, you can place a toggle component inside your button and modify it to use group-aria-pressed:
; it can then show the toggled state of the parent button very clearly, using CSS only.
The special group data-sg-live-update-control-group="page"
behaves uniquely, as the page will always reset to "1" when another change is made to the parameters elsewhere. For example, if you are currently on page 2, but a filter change means there is now only one result, staying on page 2 would mean the result was hidden- the special group behaviour avoids this problem. If there is no available page 1 button, all page buttons will be unpressed.
Controls to handle the sorting of module or webapp data require a slightly different approach. Such buttons commonly have three different states- unpressed, sort ascending and sort descending.
We've therefore provided specific markup for a sort button.
Markup rules:
They must use the <button>
semantic element.
It is strongly recommended that the button be a child of the semantic <th>
Requires the data-sg-live-update-sort-type
attribute to be set to the name of the field you wish to sort by. As you would on a Siteglide Liquid parameter of the same name, you need to prepend with properties.
for any Siteglide field. platformOS core fields like id, external_id, created_at, updated_at and deleted_at do not require the properties prefix.
Requires the data-sg-live-update-sort-order="unsorted"
attribute to be set. There are three available states: 'unsorted'
, 'asc'
and 'desc'
. You should set most sort controls to 'unsorted', but may set one to be sorted 'asc' or 'desc' by default. If you do sort a column 'asc' or 'desc' by default, you should add the correct aria-sort attribute to the <th>
ancestor element. For subsequent button interactions, our JavaScript will apply this aria-sort
attribute for you.
In order to show changes of state in the buttons to sighted users, the buttons will change their innerHTML dynamically according to the sortHTML property of the initiated SitegurusLiveUpdate
object. By default, the module will use a series of icons (with the default unsorted icon being used as a default state in the example below). There is no need to use icons; any HTML is valid. We'll explain how to change these defaults below the main example.
When a sort button changes state to either 'asc' or 'desc', all other sort buttons will be set to 'unsorted'. The main reason for this behaviour is that sorting by multiple parameters at once is not supported by Siteglide, although it is possible via graphQL.
Changing default HTML for each button state
See the Methods section for .setSortHTML();
and the instructions for using methods with data-attributes.
Sometimes it is very convenient to make components which control live-updating, live-update themselves. A pagination <nav>
is an excellent example, because the server can live-update this with the correct number of page buttons based on the new content.
It is not such a good idea to do this with some other form elements, like <input>
tags, because the user will lose focus while typing and lose their progress. However, custom JavaScript may allow you to mitigate both of these problems.
When live-updating controls, here are a few general principals to improve the experience when using the API.
Wrap the element which you are using to indicate the live-updated area (data-sg-live-update-component
) around the element you are using as a form (data-sg-live-update-controls
Make sure that the layout returns the form element no-matter what the logic, even if it is empty. Otherwise there will be an error in the console as the API tries to match up between the new content and the DOM. For example, a pagination component should return the main element even if there are no results and no pagination buttons are to be shown.
This means the component must also wrap the Siteglide tag `
` as this will not render if there is no more than one page of results. * Make sure the user does not lose focus or the values of form elements they are in the middle of using.
The following guides show you how methods can be used, depending on your method of initialisation:
Example of setSortHTML method:
onlyUpdateComponent allows you fine control over which components should re-render on this update.
Example of changeStateOptions:
The module JavaScript defines and dispatches the following custom Events. You can watch for these using ordinary JavaScript event listeners. Alternatively, you can use the callback functions on initialisation to achieve the same goal, but note that the callback functions are more appropriate for one-off functions for a particular live-update, while the events below are useful for code which should run every time.
See Pagination Include for settings specific to live-update data-attributes.
This Section is included to provide useful information to advanced users and assist with troubleshooting. It may not be relevant to all users.
After the GET Request is sent with all of your chosen parameters, the context in which the new re-render of the Liquid is output is modified in the following ways:
The Siteglide Constants Liquid tag is run, unless the special sg_skip_siteglide_constants
URL parameter is passed in. You can optionally experiment with this to improve server response time if the content you use does not require it.
The tag is given the Siteglide use_search
and use_adv_search
parameters set to 'true' automatically. This means that any URL parameters described in this set of documents will be allowed to manipulate the filtering Search and Filtering.
The {{context.params}}
variables relating to the URL of the endpoint page are overwritten with those of the referring Page. This is to prevent any discrepancies in Layouts using them. Note we do not currently overwrite the {{context.location}}
or {{context.headers}}
objects, though future versions of this API might add an option to do this if requested.
There is no way to dynamically change the layout
or the module/webapp id
parameter- these are ignored. See "Thinking about Security".
The following params range_lt
, range_lte
, range_gt
and range_gte
are inspected. If they contain a date format which includes a dash -
we convert them to the Unix timestamp which Siteglide expects and context.params is overwritten to reflect the new format. This allows you to skip the step of converting them in JavaScript from the value of a standard HTML field.
If the layout is a webapp layout and the type
param is not set to "detail", we will add the use_wrapper: 'true'
parameter to the Liquid tag. This means we only support WebApp list layouts with wrappers, as this allows them to be output self-contained. If you need to migrate an existing WebApp Layout to use a wrapper, you can see the differences here: WebApp List Layouts
Any custom parameters you wish to send over you can. These can of course be accessed in the logic of the layout itself under {{context.params}}
The URL parameters in the table above are read and, if necessary, turned into variables which are passed directly into the Liquid tag as Siteglide parameters.
The following arguments can be passed into the options Object as key:value pairs when initiating the new SitegurusLiveUpdate
The Sitegurus social sharing is a light wrapper around an open source JavaScript Plugin called Vanilla Sharing. It was added in order to save time and easily allow the functions to be implemented using data-attributes.
Layouts where sharing functionality is needed.
We use context.exports
to make sure the script is only loaded once on the page:
We use and power it using data-attributes, so this documentation is vital for understanding usage.
Add data-s-g-social-feature
to a <button>
element to make it a sharing button. The value of the attribute should be the name of one of the functions listed in the vanilla-sharing documentation, or you can also use data-s-g-social-feature="clipboard"
which creates a button for copying the URL to the clipboard.
Add data-s-g-option-<option-name>="<option-value>"
to the same element to add options from the vanilla-sharing documentation. Any array type options like data-s-g-option-hashtags="hashtag,hashtag2,hashtag3"
should be given a comma-seperated string value and we'll convert these to an array for you.
The data-s-g-option-url
is normally a required option and if you leave it blank, we'll default to the current page URL!
Full Twitter example:
parameter | notes |
parameter | notes |
Method | Parameters | Notes |
Target Element | event type | detail | description |
parameter | required | type | example | notes |
Boolean 'true' or 'false'
This is to be used alongside the live_updates feature. Setting to true will add data-attributes needed to wrap the layout in elements which have both the data-sg-live-update-controls and data-sg-live-update-component attributes. It will also include a hidden field to set per_page
as a default parameter to that inherited from the main tag, as well as hidden fields for defaults for show_pagination
and pagination_layout
Boolean 'true' or 'false'
optional, default is 'true'
This is to be used alongside the live_updates feature and the live_updates
parameter above. Set this to 'false' if you have another control to set per_page
, else, set to 'false' to automatically set per_page to the same value inherited from the module tag.
Allows you to pass a uniq reference to the Object which will allow you to access it later in the window.sgLiveUpdateConfig
object (when ready - see Events).
<section data-sg-live-update-section="uniq"></section>
Passes the public_key to the API. You need to build the public key first using the function tag above. No other data-attributes will function without this one.
<section data-sg-live-update-key="{{public_key}}"></section>
Marks this element as a live-updateable element. If at least one of these are set, the default behaviour changes from live-updating the whole layout, to only live-updating the passed components. The data-attribute in the current and live-updated DOM code must match for this to work.
<div data-sg-live-update-component="willChange1"></div>
This marks this part of the HTML as an interactive area which should have default event listeners added.
<form data-sg-live-update-controls="willChange1"><input type="text" name="foo" value="bar">
When adding a custom toggle button, this attribute's value should be the name of a group of buttons. Using the special "page" group means the button is reset to Page 1 when other changes in state occur.
<div data-sg-live-update-control-params="?range_gte={{month.start}}&range_lt={{month.end}}&range_type=month" data-sg-live-update-control-group="month"></div>
This is added automatically when using data-attributes to indicate that event listeners have already been added to the component. It can be used to tell the API not to add any more automatic event listeners to this element. In normal use, you do not need to set it.
Turns on modifyHistory behaviour, updating the URL parameters without refreshing the page when live-update form elements are modified by the user.
<section data-sg-live-update-section="uniq" data-sg-live-update-modify-history-enabled="true"></section>
When modifyHistory behaviour is turned on, if false, hidden live-update fields will not be included in URL history updates.
<section data-sg-live-update-section="uniq" data-sg-live-update-modify-history-enabled="true" data-sg-live-update-modify-history-include-hidden-fields="false"></section>
This attribute should be given to an HTML form element within a data-sg-live-update-controls
element. As usual, the element must also have a name to define which parameter it will set. This element will now set a defaultParams property instead of directly setting a parameter. This is useful because you can use the new default elements to set a default then use ordinary elements to override that default when the user makes a change. In the example here, the default parameter will be "1" until the checkbox is checked, when the parameter will be set to "2". If the checkbox is unchecked, the parameter will return to "1" instead of being removed.
If using data-attributes, we'll automatically send these in comma-seperated format.
If using data-attributes, we'll automatically send these in comma-seperated format.
This parameter will only work if collection: 'true'
is also set on the public_key generating Liquid function tag; this is to prevent malicious users from being allowed to access raw data by default, without the layer of the server defining what they should and should not access. Note however that if you do allow this, the data will be viewable in the browser, so it must not be sensitive. If set to 'true' instead of returning HTML, we'll return the raw data from the collection. The data will be available in the details of the live_update_end
custom event on the initiated element and in the parameters of the onAfterLiveUpdate
callback function. The DOM will not be directly modified.
If your users have permission to access webapp/ module items they did not personally create on the Front End, you can use this parameter dynamically as normal to filter. However, if you are using this parameter to prevent users from accessing items which do not belong to them and do not wish them to be able to change this in client-side code, you can make this a sensitive parameter by adding the same parameter to the live_update_params_encode
function. If set against the function, the parameter can't be overridden.
Coming soon in 4.8.2
Unlike use_search
and use_adv_search
, this is not set to 'true'
by default and must be set by the developer.
Required if this is a layout for a module downloaded from the Siteglide marketplace.
Using this as a default parameter could significantly boost performance, but test carefully as the feature is presently in beta.
Some layouts don't require the Siteglide constants tag to be rendered. You can optionally use this to skip it and improve server response time. Especiually useful if the site has a lot of categories but your layout doesn't use them.
1) params
- Object - Pass in an object containing the key value pairs you'd like to be added to the GET request. 2) onBeforeLiveUpdate
- Function - optional - callback function to run before update 3) onAfterLiveUpdate
- Function - optional - Callback function to run after update. 4) See below for changeStateOptions
Params will override any default params, if they have the same key. The callback functions are especially suitable if you need any one-time side effects. If you need a callback function for every update, we recommend using events instead.
1) Pass in an HTML String.
We recommend using template literals. When live-updating begins, this HTML will be inserted into the area which is being live-updated. When the live-updating ends, the HTML will be replaced with the live-updated component HTML. This can also be set when using the constructor.
instance.setSuspenseCSSClassList('class1 class2')
1) ClassList space-separated
Sets CSS classes on each live-updating component and then removes them once the live-updating is complete. If no components are used, the classes are toggled on the main initiated element. As well as allowing you to change style directly, you can also use it to position suspense HTML within the container. This can also be set when using the constructor.
instance.setModifyHistory({enabled: true, includeHiddenFields: false})
1) Object
Pass in an object with an enabled
boolean and includehiddenFields
boolean. This changes the behaviour of each following liveUpdate so that it will update the URL query parameters without reloading the page. Useful for creating shareable links.
instance.setSortHTML({unsorted: '', asc: '', desc: ''})
1) object
Pass in an object containing an HTML string (recommend template literals) for each of the three button states.
deprecated instance.setDefaultParams(object)
1) object
Pass in an object containing the key: value pairs of parameters you wish to use as default params to fully replace existing defaultParams. Use of this is not encouraged. Use mergeUpdateParams
1) object
Pass in an object containing the key: value pairs of parameters you wish to use as default params. This preserves any existing defaultParams, unless one of your properties matches them, in which case your property will be set.
instance.changeStateTrailingDebounce(event,resetPages = false,changeStateOptions)
1) Normally accepts an event, but when not applicable pass in undefined
. 2) pass true
if pages should reset to page 1 e.g. if items have been deleted or filtered and pagination has changed (or pass false
) 3) See below for changeStateOptions
This queues a debounced live update. If other events in a short period of time also queue an update, only the last will run. This function can be useful in a situation where a user-interaction changes the data in the database but does not alter any filters, and you wish to show the updated data e.g. as a callback function to a Siteglide eCommerce function.
After this event, you can run code which uses the Object constructor.
This event fires when the asynchronous module JavaScript is ready and any data-attributes have been read and event listeners set. After this event, you can run code which uses the Object constructor, or access the window.sgLiveUpdatesConfig
global variable containing references to each initiated SitegurusLiveUpdate
The element you passed as a parameter when initiating the Object
instance- the Object created for this element, defaultParams- the parameters you passed in as defaults when initiating, passedParams - the parameters you passed in for this live-update, params - the resulting params of the request
This event is dispatched when the live-update is about to begin
The element you passed as a parameter when initiating the Object
instance- the Object created for this element, defaultParams- the parameters you passed in as defaults when initiating, passedParams - the parameters you passed in for this live-update, params - the resulting params of the request,The total_entries returned, or if you passed the collection
parameter, the full data returned from the WebApp
This event is dispatched when the live-update is about to end
This needs to be the main DOM element that represents the outermost element rendered by your Siteglide Liquid tag. Note by default, the whole component will live-update, but you can change this by defining components within it.
See Initialising with the Object Constructor in JavaScript
Array of elements
Use this to define which areas of your layout you wish to live-update. Any areas outside of these will not live-update and will maintain state and focus during a live-update. If you do not pass a value here, the whle initiated element will live-update instead.
{per_page: '2', pagination_layout: 'default', item_ids: ['1','2']}
translates to ?per_page=2&pagination_layout=default&item_ids=1,2
Any params passed in at a later stage via form controls (using data-attributes) or as parameters on the liveUpdate method will overwrite the defaultParams.
HTML String
This HTML replace components' InnerHTML during a live-update. The component element itself remains in the DOM at this point. After live-update, the new content will replace the component so the HTML will not persist after that point.
Space-separated list of classes
'class1 class2'
These classes will be added to the component element during a live-update. After live-update, the new content will replace the component so the classes will not persist after that point.
Default is false. You can set this to true to use the functionality of the data-attribute method while actually initiating with the programatic method.
{unsorted: '<span></span>', asc: '<span></span>', desc: '<span></span>'}
See the .setSortHTML()
method for details. Default value contains an SVG icon for each state.