Create a Form in the Siteglide Admin and turn on the setting to use it as a payment form. (Basic Payment Form and Checkout will be supported as both support at least 2 payment gateways.)
Step 2 - Create a Custom Form Layout
You can use SiteBuilder to quickly create a custom Form Layout
In Code Editor or CLI, make a copy of the default form layout, ready to customise it.
In any Page, output your form and select the custom layout with the layout parameter. E.g. if your form ID is 1, your layout should be at marketplace_builder/views/partials/layouts/forms/form_1/my-custom-layout.liquid
{%- include 'ecommerce/checkout', form_id: '1', layout: 'my-custom-layout' -%}
For Basic Payment forms:
{% include 'form', id: '2', layout: 'my-custom-layout' %}
Step 3
For Checkout Forms, use the ecommerce/checkout_standard include to output multiple payment gateways inside your checkout form Liquid layout file.
{%- include 'ecommerce/checkout_standard'
id: '123',
default: 'true'
{%- include 'ecommerce/checkout_standard'
id: '456',
default: 'false'
For Basic Payment Forms:
{%- include 'ecommerce/basic_payment'
id: '123',
default: 'true'
{%- include 'ecommerce/basic_payment'
id: '456',
default: 'false'
Step 4
Once you have multiple options, you'll need a way to tell the system which to use.