
This Module lets you add Testimonials to your Site dynamically, so you can keep them updated in the Admin.


{%- include 'module'
    id: '8'
    layout: 'design_system/10'
    per_page: 20
    sort_type: 'properties.name'
    sort_order: 'asc' 


  • id - the Module's ID

  • item_ids - output one or more module items, comma seperated

  • category_ids - output all items in one or more categories, comma seperated

  • layout - default is default.liquid - 'layout' values are relative to the folder: layouts/modules/Testimonials (module_8)/[layout name]

  • per_page - defines the number of items outputted on the page

  • show_pagination - default is true - defines if items should be paginated when the per_page is met.sort_type - defines the type by which items are ordered

    • properties.name - name of the Module item

    • created_at - date the Module item was created

    • updated_at - date the Module item was last edited

    • properties.weighting - weighting of the Module item

    • properties.release_date - date the item is set to be released

  • sort_order - defines the order in which the type is sorted

    • asc - sort items in Ascending order

      • desc - sort items in descending order

  • collection - default is 'false' - If you set it as collection: 'true' then any layout is suppressed.Data is accessible via {{context.exports.webapp_1.data}}. For Example, name would be: {{context.exports.webapp_1.data.result.items[0]['name']}}

Liquid Tags

Field Name

Liquid Tag


Item Name

{{ this['name'] }}

name of the staff member


{{ this['weighting'] }}

weight of item, used for sorting

Release Date

{{ this['release_date'] }}

release date of the item

Expiry Date

{{ this['expiry_date'] }}

expiry date of the item


{{ this['enabled'] }}

enable/disable the item


{{ this['Image']| asset_url }}

image of the staff member

Job Title

{{ this['Job Title'] }}

job title of the staff member


{{ this['Quote'] }}

quote provided by the staff member

Company Name

{{ this['Company Name'] }}

name of the company of the staff member

Company Logo

{{ this['Company Logo'] | asset_url }}

logo of the company

Layout Files

Testimonials Module layouts are stored in the following folder structure, which you can view via Code Editor: layouts/modules/Testimonials (module_8)/

Within this module folder you will find the following layout folders:

  • default/ - the default layout folder

    • detail/ - full page layouts folder (default not in use)

      • item.liquid - detail item content file

      • wrapper.liquid - detail item wrapper file

    • list/ - page section layouts folder

      • item.liquid - list item content file

      • wrapper.liquid - list item wrapper file

Last updated