System Pages
System Pages work similar to other pages- but they are stored under Site Manager as they are most likely to be looked at by a Developer.
Available System Pages
You can currently edit the content of the following system pages:
404 page - Users are redirected to this page if they try to visit a page which does not exist.
401 page - Users are redirected here if they try to access a page within a Secure Zone they don't have access to. (When editing within CLI, both marketplacebuilder/views/pages/systempages/401.liquid and marketplace_builder/views/partials/401.liquid will need to be edited. These 2 files are used in different places in the Secure Zone system.)
Recover Password - This page contains a button which will send the User a recover-password email.
Reset Password - If the User clicks a link in a recover-password email, they will be sent to this page with a token included in the request. If the token is valid, they will be allowed to choose a new password, otherwise, an error message will show.
Robots - This allows you to create a "robots.txt" file which can be used to give recommendations to search engines about which pages they should avoid crawling. This is a special kind of liquid page which will render to .txt format before the server sends it to the browser.
XML Sitemap - This allows you to give search engines a helpful map which helps them find all the pages you would like to be indexed. This is a special kind of liquid page which will render to .xml format before the server sends it to the browser.
You can create additional system pages via the CLI.
Learn more
You can learn more about writing an XML sitemap here:
You can learn more about writing a robots.txt file here:
The advantage of a Siteglide System Page is that you can write liquid to make the page dynamic and easier to maintain. Create a trial site and install the Starter Kit to see a working example of a Dynamic Sitemap.
Last updated