ℹī¸Page Templates with Siteglide CLI

Templates must be stored within the following file path of your project: marketplace_builder/views/layouts/templates/ and must be .liquid file type.

YAML Page Template Settings

This is an example Template generated by Siteglide. Below, we'll list available YML parameters, and body content.

  id: 1
  name: Main
  type: page
  file_type: template
  last_edit: 1553195327594
  use_design_system: true
  physical_file_path: views/layouts/templates/1.liquid

<div data-gb-custom-block data-tag="include" data-0='modules/siteglide_system/siteglide_head'></div>
{{ content_for_layout }}



  • id - Used by UI to reference Templates. Must be unique (required)

  • name - Template name shown in UI (required)

  • type - Used to define where the Template shows in UI. Either page or email (required)

  • file_type - Set as 'template' (required)

  • last_edit - timestamp of last edit - shown in UI

  • use_design_system - true/false - used to determine whether or not we automatically add assets from the Siteglide Design System Module.

  • physical_file_path - Files should be stored in a location relative to their ID. If your ID is 1, then the physical_file_path would be views/layouts/templates/1.liquid

Hidden Liquid

This Liquid is not displayed as editable code in the Siteglide Admin and is automatically added. However, if you're using CLI, you should make sure to include it manually if missing.


Constants makes certain variables available in the Page and passes others up to the Page Template e.g. SEO. It should sit at the very top of most Page Templates.

{% include 'modules/siteglide_system/constants' -%}

Last updated