👀Basic Payment Forms Reference

Including on a Page

To include a Basic Payment Form on the Page, use the same syntax as a standard form:

{%- include 'form', id: '10', layout: 'default' -%}

Form Layouts

Authorize.net Specific Instructions

📋Authorize.net Basic Payment Forms

PayPal Specific Instructions

📋PayPal Basic Payment Forms

ecommerce/basic_payment Liquid Tag

What is it?

This is used to output payment fields in a basic payment form.

Where to use?

You should include this inside a basic payment form layout.

How to use?

{%- include 'ecommerce/basic_payment'
  amount: '500'
  currency: 'usd'
  id: '10'




The amount to be charged in cents/pence (e.g. 500 = $5.00)



The currency to charge the user



The ID of the Payment Gateway to be used. If not included, then the system will output the Payment Gateway that you most recently updated in Siteglide Admin

s_e_amount Field

This HTML input field with the ID s_e_amount can be used to modify the amount which will be paid when the Form is submitted, see:

📋Steps to Allow User to Decide Amount they Will Pay

A note on Security

Payment Confirmation Layouts

📋Step-by-step Basic Payment Confirmations
{% include 'ecommerce/payment_details', layout: 'default' %}

Last updated

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