🚀Quickstart: CLI

Get started with our CLI

If unsure please read more about CLI first:


Step 1: Install the Siteglide CLI

The Siteglide CLI can be installed from NPM using:

npm i -g @siteglide/siteglide-cli

If you hit any issues please check our Troubleshooting guide:


Step 2: Connect to a Site

Setup a local folder and use the site specific command to connect directly to your site (you can find this on the site details page in Portal - more info):

siteglide-cli add --email me@mydomain.com --url https://my_great_site.com

Need some help? Read our full Site Setup Guide:

📋Site Setup

Step 3: Start Building!

You should now be ready to start work, you'll likely want to pull down the files from the server:

siteglide-cli pull <env>

Check out our Reference article for a full list of useful Commands:


If you're using Flowbite/Tailwind please ensure you have Tailwind setup to compile CSS: Set Up Tailwind CSS

Last updated