👀Tags for Assets

Linking to Assets

HTML - Stylesheets:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ 'css/styles.css' | asset_url }}" />



HTML - JavaScript files:

<script src="{{ 'js/myfile.js' | asset_url }}"></script>



HTML - Images:

{{ 'images/SG-Logo-White.svg' | asset_url }}



WebApp Asset Field:

After uploading an image to a WebApp file/image field using the Siteglide Admin's file manager, or using a front-end form, the actual value stored in the database will be something like the format: images/hero/hero01.jpg which will point to a file at the location: marketplace_builder/assets/images/hero/hero01.jpg.

{{ this['my_field'] | asset_url }}



CSS - Relative Paths:

background-image: url('../images/SG-Logo-White.svg');

Background Images

The easiest way to add CSS background images reliably is actually with an inline style attribute in HTML. This is because it allows you to use the asset_url Liquid filter:


<div class="bg-image" style="background-image: url('{{"images/example.jpg" | asset_url}}')"></div>

Which renders to:

<div class="bg-image" style="background-image: url('https://cdn.staging.oregon.platform-os.com/instances/xxxxxx/assets/js/myfile.js?updated=1733383736255')"></div>


Other background property rules can be added as normal in CSS.

.bg-image {
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-position: center center;
  background-size: cover;

#### Vanity URL to Asset - Slower Performance:

`{{ 'images/SG-Logo-White.svg' | asset_path }}` => `/assets/images/SG-Logo-White.svg`



Last updated

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