The main commands you'll need when using Siteglide CLI
You need CLI installed first, check out our Quickstart guide:
CLI Commands
These commands should be run from within the project folder. Commands follow the format of siteglide-cli <command> <env> <flags>
, so for example if you would like to view the logs of your production environment in "quiet mode", you would run:
siteglide-cli logs production -q
Please note that some commands may fail if you run them in your users home directory. We recommend a folder structure such as siteglide/
and then give each project/site it's own folder.
Command flags such as <command>
and <flags>
should be replaced with the relevant data. For example, <env>
should be replaced with the chosen name for the environment such as production
The first time you use the CLI with a project on your device, you will need to create an environment. This is essentially a config file that authorises your connection.
siteglide-cli add <env> --email me@mydomain.com --url https://my_great_site.com
You must use the email of your Siteglide partner account to replace me@mydomain.com and the development domain of the website you are connecting with to replace https://my_great_site.com
After your site goes live, you will only be able to add the development domain to an environment, not your main user-facing domain.
Replace with a chosen name for the environment, for example production
. On larger projects you may have more than one environment to allow you to interact with both staging and production websites.
siteglide-cli sync <env>
This command will setup a watcher that will automatically sync file saves and deletions when that action happens on your machine. To stop the sync running, enter use the shortcut control + c in your terminal.
: Turns on the live reload server. This enables automatic browser reloading of a page when a file is saved in your IDE.
siteglide-cli logs <env>
This command will output the last 20 logs and then a live list of logs from your site. Logs are written by using the log liquid code, for example: `
. To stop the logs running, enter use the shortcut
control + c` in your terminal
Flags: -f
: Filter log types -q
: Quiet mode
siteglide-cli -v
Check the current version of Siteglide CLI you are running. See the Siteglide CLI changelog to find the latest version number. If you need to update, see the "Installing & Updating" command section above.
siteglide-cli help
Generates a list of valid Siteglide CLI commands available to you.
Deprecated - Please see the GUI command below
siteglide-cli gui <env>
This command will open up the GraphiQL and Liquid Evaluator editors locally. This will let you run Graph queries and mutations to test them out before creating them within your site. Also good for quickly getting data out of the database to check.
The Liquid evaluator tool lets you quickly test Liquid from the CLI, without having to create and save a page in Siteglide Admin.
To stop the GUI command running, enter use the shortcut control + c
in your terminal
Flags: -o
: Automatically open GraphiQL in default browser
siteglide-cli pull <env>
This will pull down all files from the site in to a folder named marketplace_builder within your current directory. During this process it will also overwrite any local versions of files if they already exist. If you have made any changes locally that you have not synced they WILL be overwritten.
: Ignore assets such as CSS and JS as part of the pull.
: Provide the name of a module to download. Note that this will only download that module and not the site as well. This will only download the public
folder within the module, if the module only contains a private
folder then nothing will be downloaded.
Note: Assets such as images and videos are not downloaded as part of CLI Pull
siteglide-cli init
This will create a blank folder structure within the folder you run the command, which includes all folders that are automatically created for you when making a new website on Siteglide. If these folders already exist, you will receive an error and so it will not overwrite existing files.
siteglide-cli deploy <env>
If you have made a lot of changes in your codebase, then you can use deploy to re-send all files to your site at once. Deploy is a single command that will create a .zip file of your site and then upload that to your website.
: With assets, also deploys your sites assets
folder, supports total assets of up to 5GB.
siteglide-cli export <env>
Export is very similar to Pull, but it will also grab all data. This command will first grab all data from the site and export it into a data.json file, then it will run a pull to grab your code base.
Flags: -w
: With assets, also download asset files from your instance such as images and PDFs.
: Export the data files as CSV instead of JSON. Please note that these CSV's are currently not compatible with the ones that are exported/imported from Siteglide Admin
: Only export assets and not the sites codebase. This by default will only export code related assets (CSS/JS etc) within the /assets folder. It can be mixed with -w above to export all assets
siteglide-cli migrate <env> --url <existing url>
Download and migrate an existing site to Siteglide using our site import tool. This tool will scrape the existing site, download all of the publicly accessible pages and assets, compress CSS/JS/images. The migrate command will also convert any existing forms (using the <form>
tag) to a "form to email" in Siteglide. When filled in, this will email the user who triggered the CLI migration with an autoresponder. These forms can then optionally be updated at a later date within Siteglide Admin.
Note: If you are using a Mac, running migrate in your âhomeâ folder may fail. Please move into a different folder in terminal and then try again.
: Existing sites URL, usually the homepage. This flag is mandatory
: No Optimization, skips the CSS/JS and Image optimization
: A number to set the level of recursion that the scraper will search through the site. For example setting -m 1
will only follow 1 link deep from the entry page
: A string to send to the scraper that if found in the URL it will ignore downloading that page. For example if your blog posts are links such as site.com/post/post-name
and you wanted to ignore them, you could use the flag -i /post/
This flag can be used multiple time such as -i /blog -i /posts/
siteglide-cli list
Output a list of environments you have previously added and their relative URLs for the current folder.
siteglide-cli modules <env>
Provides a list of modules installed onto the instance. These names can then be used in the pull
command to download the contents of that module.
Last updated
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