πΉAttribute Layout - Presenting the Choice to the Customer
Product Attribute Layouts allow you to customise the way that you present users with a choice of which variation of a Product they want.
Product Attribute Layouts allow you to customise the way that you present users with a choice of which variation of a Product they want.
You have created Products in the Admin
You have created a Product Detail View
This Tutorial will show you how to use Attributes to let Users pick Variants on the Product's automatically-generated Detail Page.
It will cover how to:
Find where Product layouts are stored on Code Editor
Develop a my_attribute_layout.liquid file
Allow the User to select Attribute Options before adding to Cart
Folder Structure
, the folder structure for product attributes layouts is as below:
See a more complete Cart & Checkout Folder Structure here:
π³Cart and Checkout Folder StructureCreating a new set of Product Layouts
To create a new set of Product layouts- create your folder at the level of "name_of_my_layout". Inside that, the folders and files should be created as shown above.
Including a Single Known Attribute on a Detail Page
If you are making a layout where you know exactly which Attribute a Product has, you can include an Attribute layout to display an Attribute with a given name: detail/item.liquid
(including a single Attribute)
Looping Over Multiple Attributes
If your Products have multiple Attributes, or you want to write code which can dynamically display any Attribute given to the Product, you can use liquid to loop over all Attributes. We've recently updated this example to be much simpler and easier to use.
Loop over all Attribute Options
Check if the Attribute is enabled
If so, include the relevant Attribute layout, dynamically filling in the "name" parameter.
Full example:
-- (looping over all Attributes linked to this Product)
Attribute Layout Development
There is no need to create a wrapper file for Attributes, as they are already included inside an item.liquid file. Your Attribute layout can be given a name of your choice. Different Attributes for the same Product may use different Attribute layouts, e.g. "Colour" may include colour swatches.
You can output the name of the Attribute that the current Layout displays: {{this_attribute.properties.name}}
The following liquid outputs an array of the options that have been created for this Attribute: {{product_attribute_options}}
You can loop over this array with the following liquid code, (where the example has the variable "option", you could choose any variable name):
To get the full benefits of Attribute functionality, including the user's choice of Attribute affecting what is added to the Cart, the data-attributes and function calls in the example should be included:
As you can see in the example, inside the loop it is possible to access the specific Attribute Option in this iteration via the "option" variable you created when setting up the loop, but you can also still access the "this" object specific to the Detail Layout that wraps around and includes the Attribute Layout. See the Product Layout Liquid Reference to see the fields available in the "this" object and those specific to Attributes and Attribute Options.
Last updated
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