External Resources
A collection of 3rd party links that our partners find useful when developing websites.
These sites are full of useful content, but any advice and examples published by 3rd party Sites is their own. We do not recommend any particular Front End library and encourage your agency to find the front-end tools and techniques that work for you.
platformOS Features
Siteglide is built upon platformOS, so their documentation is a fantastic resource for adding custom functionality to your Siteglide Website: https://documentation.platformos.com/
Liquid Documentation:
We also recommend the platformOS docs as the ultimate authority on using Liquid in your Siteglide Site. They include documentation on the original Liquid features and the additional features platformOS have added themselves: https://documentation.platformos.com/api-reference/liquid/introduction
Working with JSON
You'll come across JSON when you are working on Migrations and commonly when working with Liquid. It's a common language for storing data-structures, so if you output {{this}}
in a Layout- we'll show you the JSON which stores the fields you need.
Using a third party JSON tool is useful to actually take the raw data and make it easy to read. Everyone has a different favourite tool, but you can see a third party comparison here to help you get started and find one: https://geekflare.com/json-online-tools/
Front End Resources (CSS & JavaScript)
General Front End Reference:
w3schools give a fantastic introduction to all web development topics, including reference guides and examples on HTML, JS, CSS, accessibility and more. https://www.w3schools.com/
MDN is another fantastic reference guide. It's useful if you need a little bit of extra depth and context. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/
Bootstrap is a useful library of Front-End components and features that we've made fully compatible with the Siteglide Design System because it is so widely used and familiar. If you have Design System enabled on your Page, there is no need to install https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.5/getting-started/introduction/
Stack Overflow is fantastic for FAQs on every aspect of development. https://stackoverflow.com/
Code Pen is a great source of inspiration for all things CSS and JavaScript. It is full of fancinating community generated examples of everything from User-interfaces to animations:https://codepen.io/
Wes Bos has earned a reputation for teaching courses in JavaScript that are accessible to beginners and experts alike: https://wesbos.com/courses
We use the Glide.js plugin to power out Slider Module Layouts. Check out the docs to customise your Layouts and build new ones: https://glidejs.com/
Google Maps are used by the Events Module. Read the docs and customise here: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation
FullCalendar.io is the plugin which powers the Calendar Layout of the Events Module. Read the docs and customise here: https://fullcalendar.io/
CSS tricks is a great resource for staying up to date on the latest in CSS and specialises in helping you tackle those issues that leave you scratching your head: https://css-tricks.com/
Last updated
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