ℹī¸WebApp List Layout


When placed onto a page or a template, this liquid displays the WebApp items using the defined list Layout.

{%- include 'webapp'
    id: '3'
    layout: 'default'
    per_page: '20'
    sort_type: 'properties.name'
    sort_order: 'asc' 


Sorting by Custom Fields

When sorting by Custom fields, you'll need to refer to the field by its Custom Field ID. e.g. to sort by the 2nd Custom Field created on webapp_1, you should set the Sort Type to: sort_type: "properties.webapp_1_2" We use this syntax to access the field directly in the database, in order to help increase Page Load performance.

Learn more about Custom Field IDs here: Understanding Custom Field Names and IDs - and when to use them

Default Fields

Folder Structure

When you create a WebApp, default files are automatically created for you. WebApp list layouts are stored in the following folder structure, which you can view via Code Editor: layouts/webapps/My WebApp (webapp_ID)/

Within this folder you will find the following:

  • list/- the list layouts, used when outputting items as a section on a page

    • default.liquid - the default list layout

To create a custom layout file, right click on the list folder. Alternatively, you can edit the default file. All layout files must use the .liquid file extension, for example mylayout.liquid. Any files created within this folder will automatically become available in the dropdown selector when outputting a WebApp from the Toolbox

Last updated