
Available Fields

In your item.liquid file, you can use the following dynamic fields:

  • {{this.id}} - The Item's unique ID

  • {{this.name}} - The Item's name

  • {{this.create_date}} - The date this Item was created. Use Liquid Date Filters to format it.

  • {{this.last_edit_date}} - The date this Item was last edited. Use Liquid Date Filters to format it.

  • {{this.file_name}} - The Module automatically works out File Name from the File itself.

  • {{this.file_type}} - The Module automatically works out File Type by its extension.

  • {{this.url}} - This will output the temporary secure link. See more details in the section below.

  • {{this.weighting}} - Optional Field used in sorting

  • {{this.release_date}} - The date this Item was released. Use Liquid Date Filters to format it.

  • {{this.expiry_date}} - The date this Item will expire. Use Liquid Date Filters to format it. Note- this is different from expiry see Liquid parameters.

  • {{this.category_array}} - An array of categories that the Item is assigned to.

  • {{this.Description}} - A description of the Download

  • {{this.size_in_kb}} - The file size of the download in Kilobytes

  • {{this.size_in_mb}} - The file size of the download in Megabytes-

  • {{this.size_in_gb}} - The file size of the download in Gigabytes

Last updated